What a trivial little bullshit thing to get caught up on
What a trivial little bullshit thing to get caught up on
I like this one. It always seems like those not involved or affected in any way are the ones making the biggest stink about things. I’m gonna go ahead and appropriate this quote.
They listed Hinata from Rival Schools as Sakura I’m lowkey offended lol
Nintendo would try to tell you second-hand sales are illegal if they could get away with it. These claims are merely interpretations of the law by Nintendo’s legal team. Their claims have never been challenged by a court of law, therefore what they allege is not illegal. The only clear no-go is software piracy. The…
lepin is both bad (as in, not manufactured as well) and a bunch of intellectual property thieves. Recommending it is pretty shitty.
Not an animator, but act somewhat adjacent, so a quick rundown. Apologies for any mistakes and corrections are welcomed:
I wouldn’t touch that fist.
You also gotta be really comfortable with random TF2 characters in the background grinning at you while you fap
“It’s like God spilled a person.”
“Kill, you should, me. Now, do it.”
I think Nissin’s PR speak got lost in translation and actually sounded more sincere than what we would hear in our language.
Doing a little research, that isn’t strictly true, but their fair use exceptions are definitely much more strictly enumerated than the US’s are. There’s no blanket “fair use” clause open to interpretation, it seems to be instead a fairly strict “if this, then that” enumeration.
What in the hopscotching blunder-fuckery? 😒
As mentioned, he took the head off one figure and put it on another and sold it.
I really don't understand the crime here. Wete there any kind of false pretenses, or is this from an episode of Anime Crimes Division?
-I’m here for murder, you?
“Me? Still thinking about him? What makes you say that?”
Dusting his pristine shrine to Vincent complete with candles, and flowers.