Kind of but not really slow news. It’s pretty much the ‘light side’ of the extraordinarily brutal (and deadly) summer it’s been to Japan as a whole; crazy rain floods, and now well-above-average temperatures.
Kind of but not really slow news. It’s pretty much the ‘light side’ of the extraordinarily brutal (and deadly) summer it’s been to Japan as a whole; crazy rain floods, and now well-above-average temperatures.
Be careful. If you live in the USA, depending on where you live, they might have some uptight restrictions about toy modifications. I can’t remember where I heard this from, but I believe modifying the orange bits frees Hasbro of any liability if something were to happen.
Where is THAT product and when can I buy it?? Also, which Terry Crews? Original, Old Spice, President Camacho, or Sergeant Jeffords? Because I would love to be able to swap among those.
Sugar coat maybe, but what could one realistically expect? You brought up the past numbers as if Nintendo was actually capable of reaching its own records; numbers they could not possibly meet BECAUSE of the mobile evolution I mentioned.
The Good: Kenshiro quickstrikes your body and you instantly arrive at your destination.
Welp, that’s it. We’re doomed. The only stopping the waifus from taking over were that they couldn’t touch back. Now they can. So we’ll all be soon confined to those VR pods from Minority Report.
You’re making it sound far worse than it actually is. You really have to put context into this:
I suddenly remembered how sad I was about R-Type being an effectively dead franchise. That means sick merch like this is few and far between.
What I don’t get is why it still has a Cheddar/Yellow slice still in it. Not all cheeses play well with each other. Then again they’re clearly throwing away all sorts of traditions here. Why stop at two cheese at this point; throw in a slice of Swiss and crumble on some Blue while you’re at it.
If it had gone through I feel like there would’ve been countless ‘garbage’ pours that was half or even 3/4 head. Could you imagine having a clueless friend go on a beer run only to return to you with a mostly empty cup?
I feel like that’s an insult to kaiju everywhere.
something something SJWs something something First Amendment.
Pretty sure the USA has a spline. It just has yet to be reticulated.
Wait, is this going by the in-house Pokemon Center brand, or the licensed Wicked Cool?
The problem with not canning the project is you fall into the ‘sunk-cost fallacy’.
Wait, you haven’t built it yet?? Don’t deny the Lego its purpose! I have mine prominently placed on my display case.