
Listen, I’m not here to litigate your personal experiences with psychology. I’m also not here to litigate your understanding of Kieron Gillen 10+ years ago (edit: now we’re looking at early-mid ‘00s so I guess more like 15+ years ago?). I’m gonna defer to John Walker here: “You’re making some wild accusations, and

Jesus. I’m downplaying nothing—I’m trying to take your “accusations” at face-value, which have been nothing but vague insults (“twat/jerk/wanker”) gesturing at some kind of misbehavior in the mid-late 2000s you can’t define beyond what sounds like being haughty and rude? That sucks. But also, isn’t really actionable

The worst I’ve seen about Busiek is that he has been really defensive on Twitter about maintaining friendships with and promoting the work of creators who have said or done really shitty things like Bill Willingham (like shitty political stuff, not sex-pest stuff). Which is kind of on the tier of like “haha man that

Oh, to be clear—Gillen is not the only one who CARES. But the article outright says that there is largely silence from pros on this, and the only public responses I’ve seen among creators I follow have been from Gillen and McKelvie which is why I shared them here. If you have a problem with me saying “one of the few

I totally understand your reasons for why you wouldn’t trust the reasons he’s given for how long it’s taking. I was asking a really specific question, just what he’s said.

You’re gonna accuse me of straw-manning and tell me to grow up, and then say that I said he’s one of the only ones who cares. I sure didn’t, but okay!

I don’t know anything about the behavior you’re vaguely gesturing at—sounds like he was a jerk to some people 10+ years ago? And idolized some shit people like Ellis, who he is now openly calling out. We all gotta draw our own lines when we consume media. And with what I know (nothing, this doesn’t tell me anything),

Instead, as Ellis returns to the spotlight at a prominent publisher, there’s largely been silence.

Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks!

We can all speculate about whatever, and I’m sure it’s a whole host of reasons including this and others. Except for the con circuit bit, he doesn’t do all that many of those and they’re often just going somewhere for a weekend. That’s not a huge time sink. There have probably been periods while writing Winds where

The solution—and this should be evident—is not to throw up our hands and say “most of humanity will have to die then” when the fact of the matter is that the only thing that needs to happen is reducing or reversing the approach communities have taken to engineering the environment. We have the science and technology.

I kind of fell off ASoIaF as a cultural event around when graduate school got really overwhelming, and never returned. I remember following all the reasons for why Dance With Dragons took so long, and honestly, they felt pretty understandable to me (although I know not all fans are giving him that leeway). Has he

The idea that the only solution to climate change is mass death is neo-Malthusian doomer claptrap.

Yeah, that guy’s just outright wrong.

What about the Zapatista-controlled territory in Chiapas? That’s socialist.

It’s... it’s all very weird. Like, a combination of not knowing what these terms even mean and Gish galloping—“oh, I misunderstand these words? Well, what about these OTHER, unrelated terms that I also don’t understand?”

This would’ve been such an easy google.

Again, it’s really just showing off how much you don’t know if you hear “prison abolition” and think that the approach is just going to be to open cells and shut down prisons without first making massive, systemic changes. Like I said, I really recommend Ruth Wilson Gilmore and Angela Davis to better understand the

You’re comparing different approaches to ending mass incarceration to “it is okay to decide that all things I don’t like are mental illness.” And yet, naturally, I’m the ding-dong. I still think you should look up the prison abolition movement and anarchist ideologies, but just because I think those are really