
That’s not hacking, there’s nothing against having a second account. “Using software to your advantage” is such a shaky point you could literally just say “yeah I was using my water pokemon against his fire pokemon, since it’s gaining an advantage using software isn’t that’s cheating?” Why are you so dense?

Wow, quit the surprise! I really want to know how that piano works though o.0

This is... a start. But how will Youtube act going forward? Will it always take a few days and millions of views before they do something? How will they deter this kind of behavior?

Doesn’t matter, you can still be charged on murder charges when being hiring a hitman, you are essentially part of the murder. Could you imagine how many more people would be swatting and getting people killing saying “I didn’t do anything to participate in that killing.” (Besides actually MAKING THE WHOLE THING

Sorry but I don’t see enough evidence to support your suspicious that he’s making a decision for everyone or whatever. It’s an open conversation, stop trying to act morally superior because you think it’s too sensitive a topic to talk about.

I don’t know why that would be the top thing they’d advertise BEFORE doing it. Current measures have already affected how we play.

I’m trying to think if it’s actually more convenient to type on a keyboard with an edge around the key area. That way when you go to adjust it, you don’t accidentally hit any keys, and can do it easier without thinking.

Ok, well you originally said “in the 4th largest US city” and further tacked on heavy traffic, so don’t blame me. Just go to a nearby park where there’s some pokestop/gyms, walk around there.

I mean there’s always walking.

Must’ve been a whiiile back, cause Shibuya’s been huge for a while now, busiest station, huge amounts of shops and apartments nearby, dang.

I was there Saturday night, similar situation.

I don’t see the problem? I was able to watch the Splatoon clip just fine. I think most people need to remember the majority of gamers don’t care about 4K 60fps. If you’re so die-hard about your games (not you Mike specifically) then buy an expensive capture card which will show your dedication to video games.

I thought this was a screencap from a Naruto episode during the Chunnin exam haha

Was meaning to go, but had scheduling conflicts. Hopefully next year.

lol dude I’m pretty sure 99% of the people who play this game don’t compete in any tournaments. Thanks for bringing out some elitism though.

Already caught one. Thought it was an Xatu at first.

One thing, he didn’t have to drop out, he opted to. In a way, poor sportsmanship. I understand trying to get everything in your favor, but just play the bloody game.

I use to have this happen to my brother when he played and his time limit was up. It would cut off in the middle of a match (shooting game). I actually didn’t mind giving him the extra few minutes just to finish up that match.

lol dude, your explanation of each party’s cut doesn’t explain why it’s not on Android. My guess is something is going on in the background. Apple’s paid off developers before.

I’m starting to climb on the tracker bandwagon. Not because I’m a whiney toddler who doesn’t want to work for it. But I’ve made my effort and played the game, showing my at the epicenter of a rare Pokemon, and spring outwards while it only somehow gets further in 0 degree whether infuriates me.