
whoops i just had to click that pencil to add to my first post..sorry giz

maybe i do..

Now playing

I still don;t know how they did this years ago:

i saw a guy dipping his hand in molten lead, on Time Warp..all he did was dip it in water then dipped it in lead for a split second

Huh! Can they plug the leak

the front tire is installed in the wrong

LOL!!!!! awesome way to get back at HR

@AqueousBeef: Thanks Michael, i will certainly do that when i get the first chance, also just to clarify, my comment on the Giz post was not with any intention to offend you or your effort and neither was i trolling :).

To term this as Product Design would be a serious understatement.

@Beatlab: what are you incapable of putting your thoughts together in one cool your jets bitch

@Anonymoose: go count the indians working in Nasa you fool

its 2010 pics and shoot videos and tell your story through captions..don't fucking feed people with all this godamn text which i sure shitt aint gonna fucking read..what a waste of time

Ok..i hope none of our super busy and super expensive scientists and thinkers were bothered for making this cap..

when you got hot russian chicks to motivate..anything is possible