
So you think auto makers will completely stop doing r&d now?😂

My bet is that they only want 95 RON aka American 91 to be the minimum. We will get 93 and 95 or e85 everywhere at some point

My bet is that they only want 95 RON aka American 91 to be the minimum. We will get 93 and 95 or e85 everywhere at some point

Its gonna cost them money too. That said, they want to stop making cars for 87 but they can’t without help from the government. It’s no conspiracy, just common sense.

Its gonna cost them money too. That said, they want to stop making cars for 87 but they can’t without help from the government. It’s no conspiracy, just common sense.

Yes and no. They want you buying X brand because your buddy got 400k miles on that X brand car and your Ford is dying with 60k😂

You do realize your tuned car will die before a stock vehicle right? They’re going to need new designs to maintain reliability. People will then tune those too and decrease reliability.

You do realize your tuned car will die before a stock vehicle right? They’re going to need new designs to maintain reliability. People will then tune those too and decrease reliability.

Corn is mostly a food crop for livestock. We eat corn but not nearly as much as livestock

Corn is mostly a food crop for livestock. We eat corn but not nearly as much as livestock

They’re also cutting down rainforest to produce extra ethanol for us. Its good for them but not actually good. And I’m for ethanol, just better sources

They’re also cutting down rainforest to produce extra ethanol for us. Its good for them but not actually good. And I’m for ethanol, just better sources

At high altitude, 85 acts like 87

Most cars haven’t gotten more expensive beyond inflation. Chill...

Depends on the actual math. That higher octane gas may actually be cheaper per mile. Of course, hillbillies won’t do the math.

Depends on the actual math. That higher octane gas may actually be cheaper per mile. Of course, hillbillies won’t do the math.

Their 95 would really be our 91. Not that expensive and if our gas went up a full $1, we’d still be paying far less than all of Europe.

Ethanol increases octane...significantly. You get your facts from Alex Jones?

Ethanol increases octane...significantly. You get your facts from Alex Jones?

The potential is better with the 95 octane option. You can only get so far with 87 but you can get further with 95. You can get even further over 100 but they’re giving a dog a bone.