As a huge comic fan and a current Avengers fanatic (oh Hickman (swoon)) and as a previously moderate enjoyer of Marvel movies, I gotta say: this was one of the worst movies I’ve seen all year. Not just comic book movies, but movies general.
ok that ash is super creepy
I like big butts and I cannot lie..
Well, they’re generally $20 a pop, which is expensive for older graphic novels. I’ve got most of the original run in individual issues, but I’d love the whole thing in TPB form. v.v
First, a season pass is not a preorder.
OMG star trek cat.
This game is kinda the best check-in game on iOS right now. It’s so low pressure and all reward.
IGN didn’t post anything on the story, so it wasn’t big enough to be considered a 100%.
Aren’t there some earlier photographs of this famous mountaintop? We could compare them to these and see if there indeed is a rock under the propped up soldiers.
There ya go, straight from GAF.
Why they don’t put Gohan in this pic. Coz you know, he’s the one that actually go to school.
Now that Super Mario 64 is out on the latest Nintendo console, lots of people have picked up the classic yet again.…
I’m kinda not sure about that. W101’s gameplay revolves around fast-swapping forms, and the game no longer features character transformations (though something like a Pokemon Trainer-esque character capable of swapping between Wonder Red/Blue/Green would be perfect here).
People keep saying wonder red. But... Ummm
Why is Fire Emblem holding my wallet hostage?
We still don’t know if Bravely Second—the sequel to Bravely Default—is even coming out in the West, let alone…
It’s funny. We see complaints like yours where Nintendo “should have used existing characters” but then we also see complaints about how Nintendo “never makes new IPs”. Nintendo just can’t win with some people.