I really like this videos!, that pokemon jazz of the two week was wonderfull and this song is pure nostalgia. thanks for the song mike ;)
I really like this videos!, that pokemon jazz of the two week was wonderfull and this song is pure nostalgia. thanks for the song mike ;)
Same here! :(
Sure - here you go http://www.gamesradar.com/paralyzed-game…
Would have been cool if we had known about this like 2 weeks ago...
Thanks for letting us know about this 9 days late
You're not the only one. But posting only on Twitter and giving only 5 days to reply is awful. Even more after they said that they weren't going to give anything.
I'm not addicted to things like Facebook, Twitter and so on, I only check them once a week.
P.S.: Yes, I'm more on Gizmodo, Kotaku and LifeHacker than those…
Awww, I found all 151, but I didn't know about the Tweet. Sad face.
I don't have a twitter and thought this was just a friendly game and caught them all and expected nothing for it.
Given that they have achieved sentience, they just want to survive.
You sure that's not Aerith?
Man, between that and the ST:TNG pinball table in the background i am insanely jealous.
Holy crap! This actually doesn't sound all that bad.
We'll see how much autonomy Comixology retains here in the long run. The most immediate question about this deal is if it'll change the profits split between distributor and publisher. Those margins already seem super-slim.
You can login into comixology with your Amazon account soon. And Kindles will have a larger comic library.
I hear he's the talk of the town.
It's a bigger deal than you think. The vast majority of people use the same passwords for every site, so losing your Pinterest or Tumblr could lead to losing ALL of your financial sites. Sure you can blame the users for not having unique passwords, but the average Joe is never going to do that and we should still try…