
*sigh* how come we can’t get these in black?

Who or what is that?

I really hope this image isn’t true to who is on whose side. I was sort of hoping to be surprised in the theater. Also, once again it appears Hawkeye is once again the wildcard character, as he appears to be watching either/both Stark’s and Rogers’ back.

I’d love to get to play this, but if the collector’s edition doesn’t become more widely available I may end up waiting for a second wave of shipments. y u no want my money, Nintendo??

I need to go take care of something completely unrelated.

The new generation doesn’t recognize the NES? Am I that old? No, it’s the new generation that is wrong.

I’m learneding.

*ahem* My eyes are up here.

Pikachu, I juice you!

“Of all the days I forget to bring a face mask.”

Meh, I’m still happy with my Challenger Pro.

Please don’t become an exclusive the way Funko made theirs...

I’m glad I didn’t back this project. I was on the fence at first, but decided to back Mighty No.9 instead. I guess, in the end, we all got a bit screwed.

Kids, just say no until Mighty No.9 comes out first.

Do you even read the context, bruh? We’re talking about the concept art that we thought would represent the general artistic environment of the game.

Where the heck is this game??

Homage to the Batnips? lol

Did the same. At least now Netflix loads up proper, but it doesn’t really matter anymore since the PS3’s UI is a hundred-fold better.

LOL please tell me there’s more. This is gold!

Probably part of a group excursion. You see a lot of groups travel with similar gear like, for example, everyone wearing a bright fluorescent-coloured hat, same t-shirt promoting their group, or even renting the same make and size of luggage.