
"As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the dedicated game system business", Iwata adds, "let me confirm that Nintendo is currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand new concept under the development codename 'NX'."

This is particularly helpful if you participate on /r/gifsounds.

Agreed. I felt that the cinematography was pretty stale. I mean, come on, regardless of the who the main character is and the single perspective backdrop scrolling across the screen, we watched a guy slowly galloping on a horse for about 40 seconds. On top of that, all of the cuts were close ups of either Link's head

I use my chopsticks so well, I put all my Chinese friends to shame when I have dinner with their families lol.

Jaundice—this jelly's liver is failing!

The sword is obviously still not big enough.

The joke's on everyone. Every photo here is of a real apartment!

If it can go wrong, it will.

Sounds awfully familiar...

And then there's this video, in which everybody's had a Sonic The Hedgehog character (or two or three or four) stuffed under their skin like a haphazardly cased pillow:

Fun fact, if you handle white controllers long enough, they can turn yellow and/or brown!

That is most probably a rubber stamp.

Which explains why the first chart is made up of the Amiibo that you see all the time, and the second one of Amiibo you rarely — if ever — see on a shelf.


I'm actually very interested in the n3DS, but I wouldn't order one without at least holding it first. I've got big hands, so being able to hold the console comfortably is really important. All in all, there's no point in upgrading my current 3DSXL because it's still relevant and plays all of the games I want it to.

Although the Loopy app isn't available on Android, Looper does pretty well too! Man, I wish I had something like this back in high school!

I get that Nintendo makes games for Nintendo hardware. I get it! I also get that some of these smartphone tie-ups could be big money-makers. But there are old games that people are already playing with emulators on smartphones anyway. So why not give these games a proper (and official) release?

Hah, I'd just use my old iPhone. I now only use it as an alarm in the morning, but I could buy a separate alarm clock if that meant large amounts of free food. Bring on the free meals!

It costs me an extra $37 just to ship 2 Iron Man mugs from the Disney store in New York to Ontario. I can't imagine how much it'd cost to ship a medium sized box across the border.

It's probably to rig the character better? Thicker legs would make her appear more real and grounded.