I can taste the sarcasm?
Ohhh it floats UNDER water! That makes so much more sense!
Can't...close game app...to make...phone call...
Looks like Pokemon + FF Tactics.
If I could send my future-self a gift on Monday, it would probably read "looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays".
Regardless of the jig he purchases vs. the Instructables one, his end cut appears to be the most accurate.
I'm sure a couple glasses in there were thrown in to make his method look better, but his his end result at 7:25 is the best one considering he doesn't have to sand down the glass.
It wouldn't be Star Trek without LCARS.
I'd imagine this would make a great tool for finding your luggage at the airport.
Indeed. I found it reads text and PDFs, and does a modest job of web browsing if ever I needed an extra screen separate from my monitor.
whatever, I'm perfectly happy reading comic books and PDF textbooks of my TouchPad.
32GB for $149! And all I need it to do is read comic books and PDF textbooks! woooooh!
A relative of mine opens them with his teeth. Yeah...it's not a pretty sight...
Build a jig? I think this guy's method does way faster, and much better (30 seconds!). Video really starts moving at 5:00-7:30.
aww dream's over. The Arnold vs. BLOPS is absolute gold.