League of Legends’ giant catfish champion Tahm Kench brought a powerful new ability into the game when arrived last…
League of Legends’ giant catfish champion Tahm Kench brought a powerful new ability into the game when arrived last…
That means my plan worked.
Why’d you have to do this Nathan? I was happily going along sort of being indifferent about your posts, but now I find out you’re a Coheed fan. I’m going to have to pay more attention to your articles now,
Glad to see they are STILL around. Aside from their side stuff like Prizefighter Inferno I liked everything except Year of The Blackrainbow. It was imho personally awful. Nothing in it was what I was looking for in CC. And it completely turned me off from them.
He would have found it funny.
Any word on whether or not they can get Phil Hartman back?
“At those prices, you won’t feel like you’re getting screwed.”
Do this enough and a secret boss appears!
It’s like Mark Webb and how he got to direct spiderman because his last name was webb.
True, but Bowser is actually a more common name than one would think. At my job with some 3500 employees we have a Bowser. Plus like 3 Marios - standard ratio of Mario and his lives verses number of Bowsers.
It’s DOOM for your ears!
It made my ears bleed
before I actually heard it I thought you were just another whiner, but good god, you’re right thats disgusting (the music)
It’s definitely still there; I just clicked it. All of the links in here are working for me, so I don’t know what to tell you, other than “goddamit, Kinja.”
How is that crappy, and what defines crappy in your mind? Memes are culturally relevant and are, in all likelihood, helpful in studying the behavior of large groups of people.
Would totally play Baten Kaitos on a tablet. It'd actually be a pretty good fit.
Starting to think I should take a leave of absence from the internet for a few days, let this stupid thing blow over...
At least he's wearing a lovely gold shirt.
I have done the best I could with MS Word. Please forgive the shittieness
"Headlines of 2015 that I didn't expect to read:"