Working my way through Earthbound finally!
Working my way through Earthbound finally!
Same. I really, really want to, but I have to knock off a few more games from my list before I can feel less guilty about replaying them haha
First time through or replay? Either way, supremely jealous!
Earthbound! It’s been on my 3DS since it was released on the eShop so many years ago, and with quarantine going on, I’ve been working pretty hard through my backlog! It’s nice to be able to play games that I haven’t had time to get to before all this.
Honestly, I credit the Pokemon games with really helping my reading skills. I was 6/7 when I first got Pokemon Red, and they definitely forced me to up my reading comprehension
Voodoo Vince! Working from home has given me significantly more free time in the last while so I'm slowly working my way through my backlog. Just beat Metroid: Other M, Pandora's Tower, and RE6 so I figured I'd go old school for my next game
So I only listen to one podcast, and that started just this week! I’ve never been much of a podcast person, but this one really grabbed me! Zach Braff and Donald Faison just started a Scrubs rewatch podcast called “Fake Doctor, Real Friends” and it is amazing. Their chemistry together really makes the whole thing…
That is the wooooooooorst. My friends and I did that one night, where there were actually 7 of us all island hopping. After having all of us on 2/7 islands we started splitting up the group because we were so sick of not being able to actually play. After that night we just switched to chatting on discord all while…
If I get through enough of my backlog during this whole thing, a Symphonia replay on Gamecube is absolutely happening
Abyss was the last one I beat haha! It and Vesperia were on my backlog for a loooooooooong time
Pretty much any of the “Tales of...” games work well too. Even using a guide to play through it (limited time and all that), I still took close to 85 hours to finish “Tales of Vesperia: DE”, and that’s without the postgame dungeons or the New Game Plus required for 100%
Oh man Galidor, that’s a blast from the past that no one seems to remember. I hated the series, but I remember there used to be a Galidor flash game that I would love playing all the time
The FF7 remake if he plans to go any bigger
Jason does it again. His highest profile target yet
I have a nostalgia rush every few years for neopets, and so every time I have to go through the trouble of resetting my password after trying all my options and forgetting what I used. Magnamon_21 the Scorchio is still living strong! 17+ years later!
Gotcha, thanks!
Sweet, appreciate it!
Oh cool! Thanks!