That’s pretty much what I figured, but geeze Chuck, stick to the triangle next time buddy!
That’s pretty much what I figured, but geeze Chuck, stick to the triangle next time buddy!
Oh BillySan, you’re my new favourite!
What is up with that godawful guitar music playing in the video?!
Oh no! Biiiiilllllllll!
I mean kudos to these guys for putting so much effort in to this, it’s awesome to see. But I’m pretty sure I know people who have done less work on their Thesis conpared to what people have done in regards to SotC!
Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand where you’re coming from, but I also feel that if you’re a good elemental, you shouldn’t be hurt by your element. But that’s just me
My first shiny EVER (aside from the red Gyarados) was a Drowzee. After playing from the very beginning of the series, way back when, until now, my first ever shiny was in Y, and it was a bloody pink Drowzee. I promptly GTS'd it.
One of the few good things to come out of my hometown!
Ah man, we really do need another Baten Kaitos. The 3DS would be perfect for it!
Also, after I posted this, the image of the forum post where the guy said he could pull it off reliably then loaded up, but still again, he was in a 1 v 0 match. Not completely indicative of a real match.
See the thing is though, like he said, the timing on this thing is incredibly tight. Now sure, it's easy enough to reproduce in an easy-mode bot match, but it would be a heck of a lot harder to pull of in a real match. Is this annoying? Absolutely. As devastating as it actually seems? I'm not thinking so. Especially…
Might be a stupid question, but would we have found out who it was without him outing himself? I mean yeah she outed him (well not by name), but without his apology would anyone have dug enough to find out who it was? I know with her track record, probably, but still, I'm kinda curious
Can anyone explain to me what happened in the CoD clip?
Sorry dude, I had to. If it makes you feel any better, this will be the one and only time I make this comment! :P
Since when did they turn the Captain's outfit white and gold?
Ijust figure that because pokemon are store as data (with corresponding Trainer IDs) that when they die, their ID is retired and all Pokemon related to that ID are released by the system. Of course that doesn't account for unnaccounted for deaths (and the fact that I made that up completely on the spot!)
The fact that the preview image alone has 3 pictures from Chrono Trigger in it makes this a must buy. Along with all my other favourite games.
Wait wait wait wait. There was buzzing in the room if something was still hidden there?? How did I not know this!?
So what is it exactly, that differentiates it from something like "Fire Emblem"? It is strictly the storyline or is there some kind of gameplay feature unique to the series? I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm just honestly curious!