
Lol, “scaring away customers”... who shops there, flocks of sparrows?

Best pizza I ever had was at the Wayside Inn, in Pennington NJ, circa 1976... pretty sure she’s not there no mo tho.

I’ll just add my 2c on the Tiny Tina DLC; when I first played BL2, I hated-haTED-HATED the Tiny Tina character. Couldn’t stand her, or anybody like her. Just awful...

Thank Buddha for DO-OVERS! 

We’ve been seeing people fretting for a while that if Trump loses, he’ll do everything possible to stay in power. And I don’t doubt that he would try anything and everything possible to remain on the throne.

But can you PROVE you’re not paid by Monsanto????

Wow, they lose the plot faster than D&D!

Can you imagine if 44 had said anything as unfathomably stupid as Trump’s declaration that folks in the military aren’t allowed to take anything stronger than aspirin? It would be wall-to-wall pundits- and probably on both sides- screaming for his head.

This has been my belief since for-fucking-ever; it doesn’t matter if you’re a Nobel laureate, an Ivy League professor, Gandhi or Einstein, if you support Trump in any fashion you are unfathomably stupid.

Now playing

You’ve reminded me of the greatest Procul Harum song evah...

Lolz at Iwanka’s hat- it’s obvious whoever dressed her that day secretly despises her!

Ugh, this happens at Oberweis (a midwest dairy/ice-cream concern) all the fucking time; I’m standing there with a dozen milk bottles in Whole Foods bags, there’s 3-4 staff, but I still have to wait for Grandma and Grandpa Shark and all the baby sharks to sample literally every flavor before ordering their shakes and

IT contractor and Lyft driver here. I was just telling folks where I’m contracting now that I haven’t had a second of PTO since 2014. Luckily, my wife’s health benefits are awesome, and I’m covered (for an extra 250 per month).

Considering that this particular moron may aspires to cause thousands upon thousands of deaths, I’d be ok with the KJU method for him.

Sorry, I know it’s rude to correct (and sorry for the passive-agressive accusation of rudeness), but 13830 studs does =362.99 feet- the height of a 1:1 Saturn V- as the calculator clearly indicates.