
Lolz at Iwanka’s hat- it’s obvious whoever dressed her that day secretly despises her!

Ugh, this happens at Oberweis (a midwest dairy/ice-cream concern) all the fucking time; I’m standing there with a dozen milk bottles in Whole Foods bags, there’s 3-4 staff, but I still have to wait for Grandma and Grandpa Shark and all the baby sharks to sample literally every flavor before ordering their shakes and

Considering that this particular moron may aspires to cause thousands upon thousands of deaths, I’d be ok with the KJU method for him.

The tide comes in, the tide goes out; you can’t explain that!”

Please accept my apologies for failing to ascribe the proper honorarium to Sir Patrick. Furthermore, I realize I may have further dishonored him by not appending a heartfelt “...not that there’s anything wrong with that!”, though I had perhaps wrongly assumed that in these enlightened days it was no longer a social

Agreed, and Seth Meyers in a pinch...

I got more of a Patrick Stewart vibe...

And then eat the pieces.

The cynicism of your view is further infuriatingly informed by the fact that said old person was elected by a large number of folks- we’ll call them ‘evangelicals’- who, when informed that they were electing a grifting conman with morals at glaring opposition to their own who’s entire MO would work against their

How is it that there aren’t a hojillion ‘response’ videos showing Trump being halting, mornic and delusional-seeming? There’s certainly enough material.

Now playing

GUYS, she’s destroyed the MCU, go see Alita:Battle Angel and save the got-damned world.

Yeah, but only by EIGHT hours and 12 minutes.

Wow, missed that somehow, but that’s hilarious, and funny because it’s true!!

Murder? I hate Teddy as much as the next fellow, but I’d be happy with a light caning...