The Veeg

They wouldn't have totally died, I'm sure SAIC and Dongfeng would have rescued all the good parts. 

Didn’t even Wojnarowski on ESPN say the problem with KD’s calf injury was that he was likely to overcompensate and hurt his Achilles as a result? I feel like the morning SportsCenter anchors talked about that specifically before Game 5. Very hard to believe the Warriors could possibly believe the real risk was a

The tendon is often replaced with one from a cadaver. Which means Quinn Cook might miss next season too.

our feeLINg Was tHE wOrSt tHIng THAT COuld hAPpEn WOulD Be A Re-INjUry of THe cALf — SO The Achilles CAme AS A CoMpleTe sHOcK

For non-New Yorkers, flying American Airlines is a decent way to simulate what it’s like to depend on MTA for transportation.

I said this elsewhere, I’ve been a casual Warriors fan most of my life and pretty dedicated for the last decade or so.
I feel comfortable accepting that they’re the villains in a lot of scenarios. I still like the players but having the owner group be a bunch of Venture Capital douchebags has really made it hard to

Drake: I’m going to be the most dislikable courtside presence ever!

“... He (being Steph Curry) can’t beat a NBA Finals team by himself”.

I think you’re really underestimating how many people just want to see the Warriors lose.

I’m too lazy to look but was this same theme thrown at the Warriors in 2015 when they deliberately gooned out Kawhi Leonard who was absolutely destroying them before they sent Zaza after him, followed by beating a Cavs team missing both Kyrie and Love?

They don’t affix asterisks on diamond-encrusted rings. They still have to rip the Zombie Warriors’ heads off if they want to entertain the debate in the first place. But if they do, they earned it.

But it’s also true that the more the Warriors are depleted by injuries, the more it becomes the case that the only interesting outcome is the Warriors winning.

“The Raptors did well to handle their business, sure, but it hardly makes for a stirring showcase, unless you are especially a fan of euthanasia.”

Can we stop pretending that even with the injuries, a team that features Steph Curry, Draymond Green, and Boogie Cousins is not an underdog? I had an honest to God stroke when someone on the telecast that this team would have missed the playoffs and I am sure every member of ESPN must have thrown out their backs from

You’re over complicating things. As a Toronto sports fan I can 100% guarantee any Raptors’ wins are only to give us false hope to set up losing in the most crushing way possible. My simple prediction:
- Raps win both games in Oakland, by a combined 50, and every Warriors starter is injured in some fashion. Kawhi is

Are we not going to talk about the atrocious officiating in the second quarter? Because I can guarantee that one of the main reasons the Raps came out flat in the 3rd was that a bunch of the were already on three fouls and their defensive intensity fell. 

Klay hurt himself trying to flop his way into a cheap foul call.  He got exactly what he deserved.  That was about as natural a shooting motion as Draymond kicking dudes in the nuts.

The Raptors missed a lot of shot they should have hit, but I kind of want to say the referring here fucking sucked, so many bad calls all around, but especially on the Raptors that I was kind perplexed.

Phew. Still a chance to lose up 3-1.

When past the point where citizens can’t claim ignorance on the law doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply to you as also, for cops to be ignorant of the laws and procedures and policy doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply to them?