The Veeg

Way to make sure Elon Motors is accurately represented!

Mazda5, the swiss army knife of compact cars.

you know, you don’t have to call a four door SUV a “coupe” even if Porsche asks you to.

the jingoistic USA#1 vibe they give off isn’t really our style either

Probably because retail overhead is massive far moreso than anything else.

Pretty sure the manufacturer would just the bake the markup into the MSRP. And since you couldn't shop it it would probably be higher.

Voting with your dollars is a thing, chief.

No, labor made him and the company all that money. He simply exploited it. CEOs produce nothing.

Pretty easy to be a failed CEO who’s failure killed a couple hundred people.

I have the newest car possible with as little of this as possible. Wasn’t why I bought it, but my 2014 Mazda 5 has zero cameras, no nav and no smart stuff. It has Bluetooth but that's it.

You can get these dirt cheap in nice shape all day long. I'm sure it's a coincidence and they're not an absolute garbage fire of a car.

Your kids are probably smarter than you. I hope mine is smarter than me.

Maybe you and your friends just suck. I don't think this tracks.

Oh cool a Gen Xer throwing shade at the millennials how original.

My stepfather had a 60s Lincoln Continental at one point, in the late 80s. Was pretty fucking dope.

I take it you have similar issues as the people of the sports website that shall not be named?

By virtue of being a Toyota it was by far the best Nova ever made.

There’s Express buses. Those are the same idea for $5. Used to take the midtown to Bay Ridge one home from work when I was feeling saucy.

Explain Subaru and the Koreans.

So what do you all think about continuing to work for G/O?