The Veeg

Top ten smartest people in Florida is a pretty low bar, innit?

I bet you didn’t though, huh pussy? You would have said so.

People died for our rights to oil and resources mostly, chill with the grandeur. Buying the storyline is for the marks.

I find it disgusting that every time we’re in this spot, the Right Wing says “it’s disgusting the Left is using this opportunity to rally their anti-gun agenda so soon, the bodies are still warm, let them grieve” and then the gun nuts all come out and say “whoa ho ho, we can’t lose our guns” in forums such as this.

“the right to defend yourself”?

You got two hands, pussy.

I’m not coming with hot takes, Patera, I’m giving you raw facts. Every team has potential. Most people know it’s folly to get hyped about an eighth seed after going on a decade of being hot garbage. But most people aren’t from a place where people are known for punching horseshit out of horses, and then eating it.

The Eagles got Philly fans talking real reckless. Half a good season and you’re running smack like Greg Oden, sorry, Joel Embiid couldn’t go down at any given moment. How about having a good entire season before you come at actual NBA organizations?

And if Doug Marrone had any balls/the fumble wasn’t incorrectly blown down the Pats aren’t even in the super bowl. So cram it with walnuts.

It makes me immensely happy that at the end of the day, Belichick got outcoached and Brady came up short in crunch time.

So is he going to trade Luck now or wait a year?

Dude unless Bud Light is paying you dont be that dude that says Dilly Dilly, dude.

What’s your vanity tag? NOGAS? 4EARTH? MODEL3?

As a Carolina fan who spent the last ten years in Brooklyn and who recently moved to the Hartford area and who has family in Boston, this checks out.

Counter: he’s a bootleg Steve Jobs. He took a product that already existed, tweaked it a little, wrapped it in sleek and then overcharged his followers for it, all the while building a cult of personality around himself.

It would be cool but as long as there are has beens, almosts and never wases, you’ll have people who think they might get to the League if they play well in this thing.

Without doing any of my own research I bet that’s still the most WRs - white receivers - in the league.

Yeah pains me to admit it but if any wrestler did that damage, it was Savage not Luger.

Heartbreaker. In a blow out you can chalk it up to not your day, the better team won, whatever. And you can focus your energy elsewhere at some point! I don’t even remember the end of the Denver/Carolina Super Bowl because I got crazy drunk and interacted with my friends and even though it was fucking terrible in the

Good thing this Jacksonville team isn’t a nasty bunch. I’d really hate it if they stepped on or otherwise targeted the hand at every opportunity. Wait what’s the opposite of hate? Oh adore. I’d adore it if that happened.

Do you have anything better to do than to spend 20-30 minutes coming up with criticism of someone spending 20-30 minutes to come up with “jokes” on a Deadspin message board all day that nobody looks at? You must have some life, dude.

James Harden.