Scantron Crothers

Anyone that pronounces it with a hard G weren’t even in grade-school when the rest of us were already using a soft G.  Newcomers don’t get to change things and act like it was right all along.

how do you pronounce jpeg (the p is for “photographic” btw)?

it’d make sense, except that’s wrong.
The creator of gif said it’s “Jif”, so it is.

The same way for the 2 years I lived in the US, nobody could pronunce my name right because it uses a sound you aren’t familiar with. That didn’t make my name wrong. It just made every american saying it wrong.

This troll cannot seriously be stupid enough to believe this.



No “deodorant” actually has aluminum in it. This article is borderline misinformation. Antiperspirants are a different product and aluminum is *the only active ingredient in an antiperspirant*.

Deodorants like Old Spice do have alcohol in them, though... which causes dry irritated skin.

No “deodorant” actually has aluminum in it. This article is borderline misinformation. Antiperspirants are a

Anti-perspiration basically requires aluminum.  There is nothing to fear from using it.  This article is trying to solve a problem that doesn’t actually exist.

Anti-perspiration basically requires aluminum.  There is nothing to fear from using it.  This article is trying to

Deodorant does not contain Aluminum.

Deodorant does not contain Aluminum.

Why do we keep getting articles like this? Deodorant NEVER has aluminum; that’s antiperspirant. Either you are misleading, or you are misguided. Either way, words mean things, and as a writer you should know that. Also, there is no danger from aluminum, that’s just fear mongering. Can we move on from these articles

Why do we keep getting articles like this? Deodorant NEVER has aluminum; that’s antiperspirant. Either you are

But... just about all deodorant is aluminum free... How about actually tackling this the right way and give us a list of aluminum free antiperspirant deodorant? 

But... just about all deodorant is aluminum free... How about actually tackling this the right way and give us a

To be fair, It’s probably mainly for the native japanese as a sometimes food rather than tourists from america who think everything’s about them :x

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else. 

I mean, at least the prequel trilogy was consistently bad.

My least favorite notion from TRoS is that thousands of non-affiliated ships take the extremely dangerous route to Exegol to help the Resistance fighters when asked by a man, after none (zero, zilch, zip) showed up when a mayday signal was sent out by a woman in TLJ. This may be the most sexist idea in the entire

Also how big is Exogol if you can fit that many Super Star Destroyers in that small a space? 

Bringing back Palpatine from the dead makes Anakin’s sacrifice to kill him moot. As reverent and beholden to the past mythology JJ is, this one change shows he has no idea what his fanfiction desires do to the previous text. He’s a hack, the perfect distillation of Hollywood nepotism rewarding mediocrity.

Rey kissing

What the fuck is up with that dagger? how does it only match the wreckage of the death star II from a certain angle? It was implied to be ancient. So palpatine knew what woudl happen to him? That doesn’t work....

The location of these wayfinders was implied to be long lost and written in the sacred jedi texts - so how

JJ’s apparent inability to understand how distance and scale works strikes again in this movie.

How does Ben get a classic TIE from the Endor moon to Exegol without a wayfinder or, more importantly, a damn hyperdrive?

It took the work of decades to build the Death Star. Where do these planet killing star destroyers

Well, if Schreier is the one breaking this news, it’s probably already been canceled.