Scantron Crothers

This is the kind of thinking that drove my to sell my car, which was one of the smartest things I've ever done.

Cast-iron pan, butter, minute/cube steak, salt, pepper; can of fancy, fancy peas; instant mash; big glass of milk. About 7 minutes, including the pre-heat of the pan on an induction cooktop and boiling the water for the potatoes in a Rival Hot Pot.

@eyeverve: 'Menu' twice works on the Magic/MT3G too. I've always unlocked it this way.

@klew: It uses A-GPS by default, but can be set to always use 'real' GPS. It works really, really well in the middle of nowhere and you can feel like a living, breathing anachronism lying in a field in your dungarees, chewing on some straw and watching the stars through your science-ajiggy.

Shouldn't it be half a 45-degree angle? I've always been taught that ~22deg is best for honing at home, and 22.5 is both pretty easy to eyeball and not off by enough to ruin the edge.

@bmearns: They do, but it's $32.

VOTE: JKDefrag

@joeny1980: Or you can buy the much-cheaper original, Tear Mender. Great, great stuff.

I tend to extend my index finger and touch the inside of the recipient's wrist when I shake hands. It's unintentional, just happens — but it's been mistaken more than once as a Masonic/secret-society thing, which is a bit awkward.