
General safety note. Large objects appear to be moving slower than they actually are. I’m sure someone can go into the science behind how the human brain/eye combination makes this mistake, but it does.

Dumbest thing you’ve heard of, so far....

In a FWD car you should always mount the safety spare on the rear axle after rotating an undamaged tire to the... never mind. Altima.

I’m surprised the obligatory spare tire got enough traction to pull the car through the wall. Perhaps it was on the back on this particular Altima. 

10 hours with random 2-3 hour pauses along the way for no reason or explanation. Super scenic!

Passenger trains will now take a “panorama” detour to use SBB’s words. The detour will add between an hour to two hours to trips over the Alps and require most passengers to switch trains to complete their journey. Hopefully, the scenic route isn’t the only route for too long in 2024.

Something, something Pinto.

This point was valid 5 years ago, but a lot has changed since then, and it’s only going to change more in another 5 years.

I would love for the “tablet glued to dashboard” trend to go away and these screens actually be integrated into the dash’s design.

Between the increasing cost, environmental issues (i.e. cow farts and the chemicals used to tan the hides) and other issues like veganism, animal welfare, etc., leather is rapidly becoming to the 21st century what fur was to the late 20th century.”

I really want GM to stop turning on the backup lights when owners lock and unlock cars. It’s so God damn irritating in parking lots.

Yes, and no. Nissan may be seriously neglecting its performance offerings, but

Thank you for being practical! I get it, you shouldn’t have to do it but unfortunately, climate change is saying otherwise. I know older homes aren’t designed for A/C but a split unit or portable A/C works wonders. The split units have heat pumps so it’s win/win. And like you pointed out, with a portable unit, you can

These cars didn’t sell well in Europe to begin with. Mainly due to the short range. Yes, they are city cars, but where do city people have to charge?

So is this part of the Cocaine Bear universe or is Cocaine Bear part of the Sharknado universe?

I’m happy with either, just need to know which blond bombshell to follow (Ian Ziering or Elizabeth Banks)?

Cocaine shark - DO DOO DO DOO DOO DOO

I’m honestly curious if I actually would fall for someone running a scam in the biotech industry. With just a sales pitch and no real look under the hood, it’s hard to form a critical, well-reasoned opinion on some new product or service that promises something revolutionary.

Right, I want to see 1 set of lights and I want them to tell me if the car around me is braking and/or turning. I don’t really care where those lights are, but they should be in one cluster.

I hate that turn-signal-in-the-bumper crap that Hyundai/Kia and a few other manufacturers have started doing. That’s literally the last place I would look for a turn signal.

I don’t think they’re deliberately trying to hide it, but I also don’t know how much the CyberTruck matters at this point. Tesla missed the hype train and will enter a much more crowded market, and one where Teslas in general are no longer seen as particularly good vehicles.