Det. John Kimble

That import restriction shit is bs and unamerican in my opinion. Like how until 1986 japanese motorcyles could not be more than 700cc without incuring a ridiculous tariff. It should be all about free trade and competition, not kicking the better japanese competition in the balls to help harley davidson.

i don't get the uproar. Bond has driven almost every car make. Google bond cars and check the Wikipedia. People find a reason to bitch about anything. I'm sure the fiat in this movie is not modified by Q branch.

I hear you. I made a shitty comment. Different strokes for different folks.

Sky was hardlines and solstice was curves. Solstice looks beautiful and sky ugly in my worthless opinion.

Gxp was turbo 4 cylinder. Convertable probably still looks better than what you drive.

Aww man this is what i said, but broke it down to the non gxp coupe and with the 5 speed. I think they only made under 200 in thay combo.

2009 Pontiac solstice coupe, with 2.4l non turbo motor and 5 speed.

Is your wife 5 years old.

Dude, i have played unity since launch with little to no bugs and it ran smooth as silk for me on pc on ultra. I think a lot of the performance issues on pc were people trying to Play with mid tier pcs or lower. This game is probably the prettiest game i have ever played. Plays good to. Appreciate the smoother combat

I have been playing unity since launch on pc on ultra settings (with the game running great, not sure why others had so many issues and bugs) and the game still makes me stop to take in the beauty of the world. When i sync a vantage point it amazes me.

Really not trying to hate, but i live in SE virginia and get 90+ mbps down.

Awwww cry me a fucking river.

Call me old fashioned and you will call me a mysoginist or whatever, but i like my women without hairy pits and legs. Its actually pretty fucking gross.

Why would they pay when they have just been stealing the flat screens in the riots.

I think this is slightly creepy. Just like women who have already decided how many kids they will have and what their names will be before they are pregnant or have someone/thing to impregnate them. If I was dating a women and the wedding/kid thing came up before it was serious, I would run for the hills.

That is badass. Imperial march and have stormtroopers as the escorts to the seats and stuff. You are awesome.

Megaman 2 had the best music in the series in my worthless opinion.

Im gonna be pissed if lando is not in the movie. Thats one smooth, galactic player.

It was just a short trailer, maybe there is alot of new shit we wont see until later trailers.

Been running great for me on pc on ultra. People must be running it on mid tier pcs or consoles to get all these issues.