According to Bruce Lee, Chuck was the hardest guy he ever fought.
According to Bruce Lee, Chuck was the hardest guy he ever fought.
My dad has two requirements for a vehicle... Bench seats and column shift. I love bench seats. It is like sitting on a nice couch. The most comfortable seat my ass has had the joy of sitting in was the bench seat on a 67 coronet.
that was the coolest thing I have ever seen.
One time I tried to move an old truck with manual column shift, couldn't get it in reverse and gave up.
correction, you could get a hell of a 4th gen camaro ragtop for that money
Go read comics made in a different country. If you don't like that, then suck it up and read american made comics.
The shitty, unreliable, gm diesels of the 70's, are a big reason america was turned off to them. They got better, but at that point the damage was done. Atleast that is what my 150 year old teacher told me in diesel school.
Don't be frightened my friend, it's just a nerd boner. It will subside.
I don't have a DS, but I might buy this anyways, Cause adventure time is awesome!!!!
some of you older folks may not have personal experience except for seeing your kids do this, but you know how little kids have a certain tape that they want to watch all the time over and over? My tapes were Return of the Jedi on betamax and a dubbed version of Days of Thunder.
I was able to get pretty good cell and fm radio reception when I was working in that area. the only time radio was a problem was when in a valley.
did anyone ever call the help line, and had their parents get pissed because there was 20 dollars in charges for the phone call?
When your buddy popped in a random game, and capcom popped up, you knew it was going to be awesome. DMA had a cool logo animation. DMA dude would get run over in GTA, or he would get fucked with by the bugs in Body Harvest.
I remember games being 40 to 50 on average, but as other have mentioned, you did get a nice booklet with maybe some back story not included in the game. Also, some had posters or free issue of nintendo power certificate. I wish someone would tell why they never made a Metroid for n64.
I can agree with poisonous, but vile, disgusting, and filthy is your opinion. People that look the way you do are ugly, vile, and disgusting.
That was funny as hell, i have never seen that
if smoking makes someone happy, it just increased their quality of life. Pretty simple.
Then go walk away from it. Are you an asshole that walks near the smoking area and then complains about it?
Than they need to have fat people and fucked up hearts on products that contain sugar. Smashed bodies from car wrecks and fucked livers on alcohol. Fucked up organs on bottles of tylenol. Dead bodies from water intoxication on bottles of water. The list goes on. When does it stop. People know cigarettes are bad for…
" I feel like I just got hit with a dracula, by king kong" - BMO