fuck off you self-righteous prick. I bet you think you are the only perfect human being in existence.
fuck off you self-righteous prick. I bet you think you are the only perfect human being in existence.
who cares about a dozen people that died at a movie theater, when thousands of people die everyday due to genocide. I don't see you getting your panties in a twist about that.
yeah messenger bags are just a nice way to say man purse
So you're a man in your 20's and still a virgin? Really? What is wrong with you?
They may have. did you see the black dude toward the end break down the door?
I feel sorry for you then. Not to be elitist, and I own consoles, but PC gaming is way better.
what madpotator said. Arma is an awesome game in itself, and there are other mods you may enjoy.
These guys have good taste in music
Man, you must have had a shitty PC. We ARE the gaming master race, sorry :(
you're doing great if you haven't been killed yet by pvp. Before they used to start you with a pistol and food, but now you don't get anything and have to scavenge the first town you come across. Once you get geared up, it is pretty much cake as long as you avoid people. If you get your hands on a silenced weapon,…
It's hard. Sorry. Play more regular arma so you know where you are even without a map. Then when you log in run straight into the woods and go to a town away from the coast, which will help you avoid pvp. Stay in the tree lines. Be very careful and always check the area before entering.
He is not working FOR them, he is working WITH them as a contractor.
I don't care, if a jet had rainbow exhaust.... it would be pretty badass. The jets could shit rainbows to let the people we just bombed know we love them.
yeah I finally found a vehicle after months of playing and blew it up 10 minutes later hauling ass in cherno..... good times.
Body Harvest was the sickest game (except LoZ) for the N64. I got it around the time it came out. It was supposed to be a lunch title, but I didn't find it until sometime after launch. My dad smashed it when he saw a save game named "fuck you". I got it again used , and play it every now and then on a friends n64. If…
is that the one where the demons shit bananas out of their ears
eric.... tell them about the holes you have to squat over to poop
what spider-man did you grow up with? spider-man's thing is being a smartass. Even scarlet spider ( the REAL peter parker ) was a smart ass. It's in his genes
this is the friendly neighbor hood smart ass I grew to love in the comics. You can't have a spider man that doesn't talk a little shit and have fun.