Det. John Kimble

It was awesome seeing Jesse James get beaten it the bike build-off by Paul Jr. Jesse James bike looked like a million other bikes I have seen before, nothing special. Having all the metal skills in the world doesn't matter if you build something that looks like 1000 other bikes. Monster Garage was sick back in the

****Stop comparing SWTOR to WoW. Look at Tor like this.... KOTOR with other players***** WoW blows. I played the ToR beta and it is awesome.

pitseleho is an idiot for saying they are from BF:BC2, like it is the truth. He obviously has never played either BF2 or BF:BC2 and yet he is going to comment about what game they are from.

That is the best way it can be put..... KOTOR with other players :)

they sound like a shitty D.R.I.

How is giz asking questions? If you use your common sense, you would come to the same conclusion that theimmc stated. I am not from that area. I have never been to that area. I have never been where they are currently building a bridge, but by the picture you can tell they are building a new bridge next to the old

I have been playing kotor 2 for the first time here in the last few and the story so far is awesome.

Fuck, I still rock a G1. It still goes hard with android 2.1 on it. I keep saying I will get rid of it when a quad-core phone with a physical keyboard comes to t-mobile.

Just become friends with Clarrissa. She will make a video game with you in it for free and she will explain it all!!!!!!

Can't wait for back to karkand!! 64 player Wake Island FTW!!!!!!

I hear you. I always drop med packs and revive. I risk my life all the time to revive people for the sake of the team. I could care less about the points. Since I do this for my team everytime, I would really appreciate it if the 15 guys playing support would drop a freakin ammo crate. Getting a ammo drop is the

This first HALO was awesome in its day. I remember playing online deathmatch through X-connect on a modded xbox. It really was a great game, story and graphically, 10 years ago. My favorite game on the original xbox was Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. That game had melee third person and first person guns. DM,

One of the trailers mocked BF3 with the music and static-y letters. I thought that was cool. Kinda like how BFBC2 mocked the game trailers of their time.

I haven't been picked off from one of those, but I also make it a note not to stand out in the open for too long.

But............. Can it run Battletoads?

I was in the weekend beta last month, I had to download the client through origin, but I already had origin so maybe it was just coincidence that it downloaded through origin. funny that now in origin it always shows as ready to play hahahaha.

Battlefield bad company (the first one) had this same exploit and people were getting ridiculous scores in the demo. They ended up patching it during the demo period. We would just flip a humvee and sit there with two or three guys repairing it for 45 minutes haha

I wish people would stop comparing the bf3 console versions. PC Bf3 is way better than console. Not trying to be elitist, just the facts. Out of all the awesome stuff, I think the sounds are the best part. If all you have is a console, find a friend who has a PC, please play the PC version on ultra, in a 64 player

@ryangeorge... "the multiplayer vastly exceeds Battlefields in my opinion". Your fucking insane if you actually believe that. I know it is your opinion, but your opinion screams hardcore CoD fanboy.

isn't it funny how a few morons try to make this seem like a bad thing. They were morons for reading the tv recap before they watched the episode. The idiots need to stop acting like it is someone else's fault the episode was spoiled for them.