V-Bro 419

I’ll start on the TL:DR version, but you’re welcome to learn something from someone who sold them first hand below. Most of this is copy and paste as it’s not the first time I’ve talked about this:

- I worked at Toys’R’Us during Wii and PS3 launch. Xbox was already out a year.
- Ps3 took several months to sell all 15

I’ll start on the TL:DR version, but you’re welcome to learn something from someone who sold them first hand below.

For Tekton and not for you, since you’ve already responded very reasonably as Tekton dismisses my repeatedly starred post because it makes him look like an idiot

For Tekton and not for you, since you’ve already responded very reasonably as Tekton dismisses my repeatedly starred

And now it’s time for the comments to be swarming with bigots saying how Tracer being gay is somehow “forced”. I mean, in what way is having her celebrating a holiday all bout coming together with your loved ones with her girlfriend “forced”?

It’s in arcade mode. I understand if you ran into this while playing Comp but seriously fuck you and your opinion.

Yeah that horrible fanbase is going to....read the book?????

a person can, for sure...an editorial website which creates content based on things they like and believe their readers may like, not so much,

Some of us prefer quality to quantity.

It takes a long time to make something very refined, and good. You can’t make a game like The Last Guardian in 3 years.

It’s cheaper for Kotaku to filter all the incoming death threats to just one employee.

This is one of those cases where I’m nothing but fine with this. What’s the point of waiting so many years for this to come out, if I get impatient now and want them to put out a game that isn’t the best they can make it?

I don’t like the religion-bashing comments in here, guys. The fact of this being brought to court is laughable, but it’s important to respect other people’s cultures, whether or not you agree with their religious beliefs.

As an atheist, I’d be better off if you stopped giving the rest of us a bad name.

you are missing the point. Why 5. Could have kept going. Answer the question, why 5?

Downloading now before the inevitable cease and desist letter.

Ah, communication! It’s amazing how much even a little of it helps.

DDOS is the weapon of script-kiddie edgelords.

I like Overwatch a lot. But all game-related things aside, this is probably my favorite thing about it. No mercy. No quarter.

A pokemon app makes history as literally the biggest app in history.

I don’t understand all the Haterade. It’s another Pokemon game. You don’t go to another continent and see the animals there and go “it’s like God didn’t even try to be original here"