
How the hell can you even have Kill La Kill without fan service? Half the point was her self consciousness with her body, the type of self consciousness that any person of that age has. The fan service amplified that element and turned it into half the plot.

There is already plenty of anime that has little to no fan service. If you don’t know that, you need to look harder before complaining about it.

Maybe the abundance of Pokemon players will reduce the number of suicides there.

It could very well be lifeless. But that there is an Earth like planet, in the habitable zone, so close to our own star, is amazing in and of itself.

I don’t think he did. I liked V. Could it have been better? Perhaps. But there were plenty of elements that I found great. The continuity between the beginning of the movie and the end of the movie, and the clear growth in Spock’s understanding of humanity, which was necessary for a good portion of the plot in Star

Niantic is so dumb for doing this. There are no damages to the company, and in fact the company is benefiting. Of course, I suppose this is another downside to the unconstitutional copyright laws that prevent innovation.

Looks interesting, but I still feel like the show is going to fail because of CBS’ idiotic greed in trying to use this show to draw people into CBS All Access.

It’s all a matter of perspective and will power I guess.

It’s terrifying, isn’t it?

> No, the study you cited suggests that black people are having significantly more encounters with police than is statistically probable...

Uh no; it doesn’t. The problem is, you’re ignoring the higher crime rate among the sub-population for which you are suggesting bias.

> The probability of being shot is


> Yes, that’s true.

> There are always shared traits across social groups, and if you’re denying that, you’re denying fundamental reality.

Got it. All “black people” must have shared traits, that only “black people” have, because they are “black.”

“The black experience” is a racist concept. That’s to say that everyone who is “black” has essentially the same experience.

Basically, whatever you disagree with is flawed. If racism were involved, why is hesitation greater when the target is a minority?

> What about the societal problem about why minorities are more likely to come in contact with police? I could use that argument to combat basically every one of these points.


Actually it’s probability theory, statistics, and a variety of other things. If racism is to blame, then one would expect that the probability of being shot, given that you have come into contact with a cop, is greater for minorities. But that’s not the case. Furthermore, one would expect less hesitation to shoot when

I said that the issue was not an issue of race. It was an issue of abuse, against the general population, by the police force.

It must be great to live in “lala land.” One doesn’t need to respond with an argument, all that’s needed is a big ol’ “wrong.”

This isn’t a liberal or conservative narrative. It’s a narrative to keep people complacent. Conservatives are already willing to blindly support law enforcement, blaming the victim rather than the abuser. This narrative keeps it that way, and keeps it so only the minorities go after cops. If the majority realized that

This is false. The idea that the victims just acted incorrectly, besides being an example of victim blaming, is incorrect.