
Fortunately, the misspelling remains intact in the URL.

You are a fine example of why jurys and eye witnesses are garbage.

If this was the case every DUI that doesn’t result in death or injury should just be a whole lotta’ nothin.. What a nimrod.

Did we watch the same video? The truck driver did turn the wheel to the right to attempt to avoid catastrophe. 

Branham’s lawyer, however, argued that he should face less serious charges since no one was killed or seriously injured.”

Luckily wanton and wonton endangerment are two very different charges. I would be in jail for a long time if the second was a legally punishable offense. 

Clearly a US-based squid with the blinding lights. The European species can deflect them downward, minimizing the blinding but probably still quite effective at the catchy and eaty steps.

That was dude who had the CyberTruck in Nantucket.

Yeah, he’s not a bad guy. But then neither is Homer Simpson and yet...

Yeah, and tied with the oh-so-coincidental fact that he’s a business owner, color me suspicious.

Didn’t he initially get a lot of attention because he was doing dumb crap like illegally parking and blocking traffic?

Whether he wants to admit it or not, buying this monstrosity IS an attention seeking move.

I would also check on that kid to. anyone that would pull a gun out instinctively on someone dropping your daughter off at your house should be evaluated. My mom would have thanked the Uber dude and smacked the black off me if I ever did that.

He says he’s a doctor but I don’t see any markings, white coat or stethoscope so I think it’s only fair for someone to pull a gun on him, force him to the ground, make him show his medical board credentials and his med school degree for good measure because everyone knows what’s going on in the US with people

13-year-old snuck out of the house Saturday night and took an Uber to Pensacola, about 30 minutes away.

Apparently he took the Hypocritic Oath, not the Hippocratic Oath.

Pull his medical license.  

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

Can’t wait to find out how these damage a Cybertruck, cause there has gotta be a way. Right?