
I’m going to need Rosie O’Donnel’s take on this before settling on any conclusions.


Of course it is. You know why?

I like to think that there are multiple ways to get to the Trifecta. Possible inclusions are: Gators, meth, Chargers/Challengers, guns, God talking to you, God telling you to shoot things, roadkill, pooping in public spaces...

  • Talked to God

The trick to saving money is to skip the hotels and stay at camp sites every night. 

Except, this isn’t some mechanical issue hidden by engine components, or things that happen as a result of use - these are a delivery checklist of things you need to look at immediately upon delivery of the car. (Think walking around a rental car marking all the scrapes and dings when you pickup it up at the airport.)

And yet the ‘18 Model S that my friend bought was significantly worse than the already terrible ‘12 he had. The 3 and Y his husband had were terrible too. They very happily own a pair of Ford Mach-Es now.

If the Aztek was badged as a Subaru, it would be one of the most loved automotive icons, rather than the most derided.

There Shall be no C7 Slander here. I will allow light slander of the base C6 until you get to the Z06 and Zr1

Right? Chalk it up to pure stupidity and/or stubbornness. I once decided that the “escalator out of order” sign was a lie, whatever they were repairing looked done to me, so I hopped the barrier and started climbing. About halfway up, past what you could see from ground level, all the stairs disappeared so I had to

The Simpsons predicts it again:

Now playing

I’ve seen the pictures of this bridge. You aren’t making it across without an AMC product, an English Accent, and a slide whistle

Listen, some people have a long way to go and a short time to get there.

This is a breaking story

The funny one I saw was complaining that Biden’s infrastructure bill did nothing to keep this from happening, like all the money in the world was gonna reinforce a bridge against a damn cargo ship running into it.

Yup, first thought I had too. Like that idiot in L.A. who gave his 17 year old son a Lamborghini Urus who then killed a woman after running a red and plowing into her at 100+. That ended up as an $18M settlement. 

Yup, that’ll happen.

Or, and I’m just spit-balling here, but he could do nothing and berate/insult people that call him on it. Seems like an equally good plan.

Given how brutal the sunshine gets here, that bed will literally turn into an oven during the summer. Tesla needs to implement the engineering change of the glow-in-the-dark handle yesterday.  It gets so brutal here in AZ, that I can imagine a child dying within minutes of being stuck in such a hellhole.