
Yes, it would be nice if everyone was immune to distraction and had calibrated limbs that could perfectly balance braking, steering and throttle in emergency situations.

Can worst also be my best?

Riding in the back of a airport town car with my wife and 5yo returning home from a Euro trip. Guy was rude upon pick up, smelled and unkempt. Gave me crap about belting my daughter into her car seat. The drive home is 20-25 min and mostly a localish road 3 lanes each way with lots of traffic lights. Its dark and

There isn’t a car brand out there that doesn’t have some kind of Achilles heal that, when looked back on in hindsight, you couldn’t say “shouldn’t have bought that brand.” It’s a fool’s errand. Also, most people can’t just buy another car whenever they want.

Because they are Kia’s cheap little cars that someone likely isn’t going to have the money for a GPS tracker.

Even for these cars, outside of certain areas, it’s still a pretty rare occurrence to have a car stolen. Down here in God’s Waiting Room, FL, for example, the demographic that likes to steal KIAs doesn’t really exist.

TSA fails to detect contraband 95% of the time, according to an internal investigation by DHS.

Do you think taking off your shoes or getting your laptop out of your bag or denying someone a bottle of water does anything to increase airport security?

If you assume a cop’s initial statement in the wake of an incident is a lie, you will be correct in your assumption 100% of the time.

Unfortunately this will probably end up like so many other stories where the police get away with it and the tax payers foot the bill while the owners have to deal with an uphill legal battle.

It’s not enough, but the prosecutor agreed to release Mr. Morris on his own recognizance this morning. The security cam footage posted on twitter shows they were likely driving too fast, came too close to a parked car and overcorrected. This story is such garbage and it’s high time SLMPD is held accountable for their

Interesting, raising your voice is causing a disturbance but crashing your 5,500 pound SUV police cruiser through the front wall is apparently not.

Remedy put him to such good use in so many titles, that their future games really won’t be the same without him. We’re going to feel his absence for years to come.

Heartbreaking, 65 is gone too soon.

I’ve never touched a Max Payne game (to my detriment), but it’s so lovely to see his colleagues come out and say such things about him. I’m sure he knew he made an impact on the medium, being such an outstanding and important series. Not to mention his other accomplishments. RIP sir, reckon you’ve earned it.

I am really not big on second chances because they tend to end the same way the first chance did.

This is why I am not against some form of sobriety test technology in cars.... Clearly our current regulations and enforcement regimes aren’t doing the job.

The Krispy Kreme hot light is one of the few things I miss about living in Georgia. If the light was on, there was no driving past. You must stop and buy a dozen. 

Finding thousands of donuts and not being able to eat them? That’s basically a cop’s 9/11.

There are far worse places to be stranded than Happy Valley-Goose Bay.