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Maybe deep down I’m afraid of any apex predator that lived through the K-T extinction. Physically unchanged for a hundred million years, because it’s the perfect killing machine. A half ton of cold-blooded fury, the bite force of 20,000 Newtons, and stomach acid so strong it can dissolve bones and hoofs.


was he even the driver? Must have been the valet.

If you drive an automatic with two feet your opinion can be tossed out the window. That’s maniac behavior.

Alan Ruck is 67?!?

Cars in general.  I heard his fathers Ferrari went shooting out the backside of his garage when he was in high school!

Well, it would help if the cops actually GAVE A FUCK about auto theft.

Case in point, I recently had one of these fine monuments to motoring in my shop for theft damage repairs. We opened the trunk to see if any additional parts were hanging out, and what did we find? The kid’s backpack, with his NAME ON IT.


Here in the great white north, we elected the Conservative government in the 90's who sold off Highway 407 for 99 years despite taxpayers paying to build it.

Did we learn our lesson? No. We re-elected them in 2018 and they’ve promptly sold off prime waterfront property again for you guessed it - 99 years, and we’re

You could get an airport with all the buildings for $3 million out in the sticks. Once. Now you can’t because private equity has been allowed to run rampant across all aspects of life. There are some places in the US where you can still get a few acres for relatively cheap, but your neighbors are cooking meth in a

“There is one other pesky detail with this building, however: Zoning. Currently, it’s only zoned for industrial use, meaning you can’t just move in and call it a day.”

This reminds me of the incident a few years ago when a friend's so basic it didn't have a radio Honda Civic CX was ripped off and recovered. The thieves had given it the full treatment,  fart cannon loud stereo big wheels and rubber band tires, intake kit and neon. Returning it to stock would have cost too much so the

Unfortunately the algorithm pushes these kinds of images to the top of YouTube, and can mean the difference between a few thousand views and a quarter of a million.

I’m surprised old Top gear didn’t do a “can we make a Peel P50 as quick as an FRS” or something.

When owned I had a dedicated bag I used, kept accessories and cleaning stuff in it so was never something accidentally picked up as second picked up up was noisy and weighty, plus when opened smelled of gun oil.

It is overwhelmingly clear that he carried a gun through a TSA checkpoint. He even admitted to it.

Bet he still claims to be a “responsible” gun owner too.

My guess is the dumb fuck uses the bag as a range bag or something. Gun was in it from before.

Senator Wilson was traveling to Hong Kong for vacation when he inadvertently packed his revolver inside his carry-on luggage

Funny that the TSA can fine you for their own misses.