
Brandy would go well with the whipped lemonade. With the Brazilian limeade, I’d go with cachaça or rum.

Good advice, but whoever write’s your headlines needs a swift kick.

Which was just another take on Harvest Moon.

All I’m hearing is that these people hate fun.


They are grenades and you cannot convince me other wise.  I call them baby boomers.

How do you explain dead pixels then, eh? Checkmate.

Haha, I didn’t know it was Goodman during my first session. The next time I played I felt a little sad listening to him giving the ole college try at reading those goofy lines.

It’z not just real, it’z right proppa Orky and glorious, and yoo oomiez iz too fikk ta appreciate dat Green iz best an’ ya shud all spend ya teef on payin’ to join da Squadrun. ‘Course, ya weedy stubby pink sausage fingerz ain’t able to hamma da Dakka button as gud as da Boyz, so even if ya did, we’d haff ta slap sum

If the clock in the PS4 is reset, it renders all content unplayable until it reconnects to the internet and synchronizes its time. This was done to prevent people from “cheating” on trophies to manipulate their system time to make it look like they earned them earlier than anybody else.

Titanfall 2.

If I recall, you couldn’t even defeat the bosses in Human Revolution with non-lethal methods. I think the developer was criticized for that by players. I think Eidos’ response was “a third-party worked on the boss fights, and we’re sorry we missed the mark on that.” They fixed that problem in Mankind Divided.

mesh wifi isn’t common in homes now, it definitely wasn’t in 2016

It's saying you can pay $60 on day one for a buggy, broken game, or pay $30 on day 100 for a version that runs beautifully, is patched, etc.

People keep bitching about Tenet, all I’m thinking is it can’t be worse than Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. It’s the movie which I’ve fallen asleep to, repeatedly. Both during same viewing, and also different viewings.

People get upset about visuals because that’s supposed to be the justification when MS and Sony roll out new consoles as often as they do.

I’m asking the same question myself. And don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate beautiful graphics as much as the next guy, having a gaming PC myself, but I kind of feel that we live in truly great times if what we bitch about in terms of graphics still look like this. I mean, even what many would call “ugly”, to me, is

My mom tells a story about my Nana‘s reaction to Reagan becoming president. Nana was a teen/young adult during the depression, and her dad spent day after day wandering New York, looking for a job. They were dirt poor until about 1947.

To quote a great movie: Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.