How to tell when your bread dough has risen:
How to tell when your bread dough has risen:
He’s got that face down pat.
Maybe his weight loss is because Thanis did take half a person out of him.
Largely because said lootboxes don’t come with a secondary market. There’s no way to get what you want without gambling, and there’s no way to recoup some of the loss by selling off things you don’t want.
I just wanna know why the handle is Africa.
What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.
Quite the opposite, judging by subreddit subscribers the game is thought to have anywhere between 100k and 500k regular players, if not more. That’s way more than Artifact with but a portion of the advertising, considering Valve pushed their game on the Steam frontpage which is basically the gaming equivalent of a… know this edgelord thing of calling people you dont agree with NPCs gets confusing when there are also computer games involved..with,you know...actual NPCs..
Considering I saw some demo footage of Beyond Good and Evil 2 the other day and had a panic attack at the scope they’re going for, hearing this is like getting wrapped in a security blanket.
Striking is a civil right no matter what job you have. If you are not allowed to deny your labor to capital than you are a slave.
i knew he was going to die on account of the fact he wasnt in red dead 1.
Why wait?
There’s something truly unsettling about this adult man wearing a Yoshi costume. Is it the soulless look in his eyes? His serial killer-esque smile? The fact that he is wearing Timberlands?
They’re scared. Because deep down they know that while it would be a risky move on Trump’s part, the fact of the matter is that if he went to war with the press- full on war, not this bluster- he would win. He’d beat them. God, our “ally” just murdered a journalist. He’s cozy with Russia, and they murder journalists…
Y’all can sleep with my ex if you want to. I’m not going to.
Yeah, I’ve noticed :/. It’s both self-defeating and condescending at the time.
Why even write about this? Are we going to ruin Javy Baez’s life over what he did 35 minutes ago? Plus, three of his best buddies on the Cubs said they didn’t remember any interference.
There was a house on the corner of a small 4-stop intersection I would occasionally drive by when I was a teenager. One day, had its front yard filled with barbed wire and stacks of tires and all sorts of things and signs all saying rather nasty things about the city and local politicians. When I asked my mother about…
“Me just going to take kids to this and enjoy ride.”