
If you can get your hands on some Windows 10 installation media, you can still upgrade to win 10 using your current Win 7 key for free. Just need to make sure it’s the same version of Win 10 as your Win 7 version. 

Let’s be honest, dudes with cat-girl fetishes will flock to this movie, once again.  

$4,500 debt?  I wish. 

Why can’t all countries be a bit more like Germany?

Titanfall 2 single player had mechanics you could make entire other games out of, all crammed into an awesome and fun shooter with a decent story.

I’ve owned Sleeping Dogs for several years at this point and I’ve never installed it. I really need to change that.

Because I’ve never played either of them, I’m constantly getting this game and Outer Wilds mixed up. 

When will we realize that ALL humans are complete garbage? 

More than a few of these give me the vibe of the Cultist faction from Endless Legend.  

Counterpoint: Milling your enemy is way more satisfying than killing them, because it only happens at the beginning of their turn when they try to draw, meaning you have your full turn to revel in your victory. 

Your comment = unnecessary. 

I’m behind on my crashes. I’ve been driving for 20 years now and not a single accident.

Exactly what I wanted to say.  These “security” questions of wildly insecure and need to go away.  There has to be something better. 

No video games, but tonight is the second session of my newly formed D&D group, all full of first timers including myself (DM).

Then the Death Star blows up her planet... Alderaan. 

Dear Giant Asteroid,

I’ve had The Long Dark in my Steam library forever, but never touched it until a couple of nights ago. I fell in love!  Hopefully I’ll be playing a few more hours this weekend. 

Sometimes I feel like one of the only people that enjoyed the first Rage. 

I learned a new word today, thanks. 

When I was a kid, my mother used to tell me the family motto. It went like this: “Life is short, Life is shit, and soon it will be over.”