
Common sense suggests that it would be insane if they tried fix it by phone...

Didn’t know air tight zippers existed.

Let’s hear your defense lines.

Not to mention the headline states they were landed in the woods and not on yard...jeez, if only we had ability slap the writers remotely...

The truck driver would have a lot of explaining to do if it wasn’t for the dash camera...

The truck did stop before the rail road. Perhaps the weather or something else abstracted the view for the driver?

Keep in mind that many authentication services (that require a phone call or text message) don’t support VOIP. I’ve learned it the hard way...

Technically there is no offical language in spanish is equally valid as english...weird, I know.

After reading two of your comments, I see you have no common sense...First of all, you automatically assume that everyone is american, second, “America lost the election”? What?

I stopped reading at 80,000 words for $40,000

S8 was already introduces? Really?

Awesome video. If only they added zoom to the portals, so it would show more what’s on the other side as the biker get closer.

I’m just curious how the US contractors handle that. Are they also forced use metric?

At least this shows what the company is about, unlike stupid dragon head...

Wonder about components?

I beg to differ. Just because ublock/umatrix blocks most stuff you don’t need it to block, it doesn’t make it better. I had to spend hours teaching that pos for each website I visit, because 80% of the time the first visit of new website makes it unusable broken. And the interface....O MY GOD! It’s absolutely horrible

SpaceX measures everying in metric?

I wish they have shot a concrete block too. I’d like to see what would have happened to the putty, would it shattered as glass too?

That’s 10,000 times colder than the vacuum of space.

#5: No it doesn’t.