
The show is worse than the books, which means the show writers are full of “literary merit”.

I thought the majority of the voice acting was really good too. I’m sure folks can point out some instances where it was weak, but overall it was enough to get me to like some of the characters.

I enjoyed the campaign just fine. Nothing groundbreaking, but it sure was pretty and the guns feel amazing. Overall it was fun enough and still better than the majority of CoD campaigns over the last few years. 

Anything that even has a whiff of “this might become popular” attracts naysayers by the droves. 

I feel like this looks like a well-made show and so I will start to watch it and pass judgement later. 

Imma head off the naysayers by saying, fuck yeah. Can’t wait.

Mods, ungrey this guy.

Match Group can go fuck itself. They absolutely ruined OKcupid, which was a bastion among swipelife sites and even worse match-style sites. Tinder is now mostly spam and Instagram follow me profiles. 

They took a perjorative term that was used to bully them, owned it and made it a positive thing and fun thing that couldn’t be used against them anymore.

Remaster probably.

We got Darksiders 3 and they’ve been talking up TimeSplitters, so all bets are off I think.

I think the reason Sony hasn’t made much progress on this end is that there are very few TVs that actually offer it even a year in so it’s still a niche feature. That being said it’s also a feature that I am requiring for my next TV purchase (which is also when I’m going to get a series X)

What about VRR? This has been repeatedly advertised as a “future” feature but still has yet to be delivered. I think this is something that we should be criticizing Sony for not delivering before we worry about all of the things they didn’t deliver from a user-driven wish list.

I’m getting some strange mid-90's Encarta Encyclopedia vibes that I can’t shake off.

What is it with you people. You just think games media should pretend that emulation doesn’t exist?

I’m sorry but this kinda reads like “This game sucks because I tried jumping into difficult content without even playing the tutorials without having ever played a game in the series before”

This would be like if I complained Dark Souls wasn’t friendly to newcommers and the first thing I did was try to fight Kalameet.


Definitely play through the tutorials if you’ve never played a game in the series before. The Monster Hunter series are great games, but they are notably obtuse about mechanics and how to play them.

Gacha means it can’t be a gem. I know I sound like a curmudgeon but I hold that to be true. The game is gonna pray on those whales and I refuse to give time or money to a company who sees that as a good business practice. I condone EA I should condone this too. I’m not gonna give it a pass because “it’s pretty.”

I remembering getting the PS4 specifically to play DCUO. I had it for PS3, but the load times when traveling between worlds were insane. Then it would take another little while for the cities and what not to load into view. Depending on where you were, you could load in and be killed before your screen even registered

This easily wins.