
My guess is that Trump only banned Epstein from the club when he found him creeping on Ivanka.

It’s not stupidity, it’s amorality. They want their wealth to buy them immunity, and you get that in part by not ratting out other rich people.

Check out the unsealed document in full, below.

I’d pay to see the Project Binky Mini on here

Most bosses fuck their employees.

Doom Patrol is good. I like it. But Swamp Thing is groovtastic

Beat me to it! Bravo.

And Shang-Chi!


Don’t worry, Miles Morales Jermaine, your secret is safe with me.

Too bad Swamp Thing practically died in utero.

This is very good news, because Doom Patrol is almost certainly the best superhero tv show to date.

Blade 2 was the shit as well. It’s unfortunate that for Trinity they decided what Blade really needed was a team of Caucasians.

Man as a long time comic fan, been collecting and getting hand downs since the late 90s, I still think Snipes holds the crown with Blade 1. But God damn Mahershala Ali is my ninja,I pray they keep it Gritty and dark. Blade is pretty fucking metal 

Guys who use the word “slut” have the maturity level of 12 year olds. I guess he knows his audience.

You and your “facts” and “realities.”

[brokagain] is a spectacular decal.