
I'd like to nominate Revenge's Declan. And, although he isn't an ill-fitting character, I would also want a slow death for GoT's Joffrey, preferably next season.

I'd like to nominate Revenge's Declan. And, although he isn't an ill-fitting character, I would also want a slow death for GoT's Joffrey, preferably next season.

That and when they raise their leg forward with bended knee and flexed foot and make that jerky movement with their arms with fingers spread.
Oh, and I really hate 'the throwing up your leg into a standing split and then turn slightly to show your crotch to the audience' move.
I liked Dareian, he's got a great

That and when they raise their leg forward with bended knee and flexed foot and make that jerky movement with their arms with fingers spread.
Oh, and I really hate 'the throwing up your leg into a standing split and then turn slightly to show your crotch to the audience' move.
I liked Dareian, he's got a great

Stop it! You'll jinx it!!!

Stop it! You'll jinx it!!!

"Moffat confirms shooting of series 3 will take place in January 2013".
So I'll be expecting new ones in the autumn 2013. Still, a very long wait.

"Moffat confirms shooting of series 3 will take place in January 2013".
So I'll be expecting new ones in the autumn 2013. Still, a very long wait.

I apparently forgot that time is linear. Memory is a stranger.
History is for fools. ;

Dean Pelton wasn't at the Oscars.
It was filmed a long time before the Oscars. So, lucky coincidence it is. ;)

I couldn't help but laugh at the Dean's Angelina Jolie's leg pose. Was he mimicking her of was it just a lucky coincidence?
I also started watching the first season of the Big Bang Theory. Not really sure if I'll keep watching, because I hate the laugh track. Glad Community comes without one.

*puzzled look* I thought, he was using the royal we.
I also can't stand His disregard for capital letters.

Well, she's still working. I saw her yesterday on 'Suits'.