
....she won the second most votes ever in history, more than any white man who has EVER run for president, despite having been attacked by the right for thirty fucking years. Not a good candidate though, OK, what the fuck ever. Gods I’m so sick of this dumbass “not a good candidate” trope.

Hillary said the marriage thing SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO and she has educated and enlightened herself since, hence the different message she had last year, which was, again, seventeen years after she said the quote you’re trying to bring her down with. Jesus Christ.

For what it’s worth, Hillary won the popular vote against both Obama and Trump. That doesn’t get you offices but it does relate to whether your problem is that people don’t want to vote for you.

And we get that but Bernie is very selective in who and what he supports while Hillary was looking at the bigger progressive picture.

The issue I have is that dismissing reproductive rights has become a pattern of behaviour for Bernie at this point.

Easy with the snark. I think that was a genuine question from that person. It’s ok to ask.

Nope, you keep spreading this lie all over this thread. This is a lie, and Planned Parenthood has released a statement saying this is a falsehood. Quit lying.

Most fetal abnormalities aren’t detected until the ultrasound at the 20th week. Maybe you don’t think carrying a dead fetus to term is terrible. I think it probably is.

The only party unity he wants is coalesced around his narrow economic views while jettisoning the issues that affect many/most of the democratic base most urgently. Thanks, but no thanks.

Rosario Dawson wrote an open letter to Dolores Huerta calling her a sell-out, and a couple of days later she was introducing Bernie at an event. I have never gotten over the disrespect this showed towards one of our most heroic Latina figures, who has given her life to the rights of workers and the voting rights of

The rights that I have to do with my body is not a bargaining chip.

This is an issue on which there can be no compromise. Up here in Canada, when Trudeau took over the Liberals he made it clear that anyone who was anti-choice should leave the party. There were a few grouchy op-eds about it, a few dissenters, however in the end it was accepted.

For someone who is not a Democrat, Sanders spends a lot of time dictating how the party should run.

Ugh and when he went after Dolores Huerta and Jon Lewis. And the blacks in ghettos comment. And during the debates he was so condescending and dismissive to Hillary it was painful to watch. What sucks is I agree with about 99% of what he says but somehow he is able to preach economic justice while alienating

And yet he jumped down Hillary’s throat because she endorsed a $12 vs $15 minimum wage based on actual progressive economists research.

I fucking hate when abortion is seen as a secondary issue or a special interest. Actually what happens to my body is my primary interest assholes(directed at said assholes, not you).

As for Ossoff, Flores said, the candidate “has not taken a definitive stance on some progressive issues” including advocating a single-payer universal health care system, or raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour, and believes that “may be part of the problem for Senator Sanders.”

For someone who is not a Democrat, Sanders spends a lot of time dictating how the party should run. He has been harmful not helpful to the party and the DNC needs to stop acting like making overtures to him accomplishes anything. All of this is just about Sanders’ ego.

This is EXACTLY why I didn’t trust Bernie from day 1.