Sure, but I think it’s a bit harsh to imply someone is of sub-par intelligence because they made a wild guess or expressed a hunch based off a blind-item gossip bit.
Sure, but I think it’s a bit harsh to imply someone is of sub-par intelligence because they made a wild guess or expressed a hunch based off a blind-item gossip bit.
no way - he cheated? like how he cheated on Jen with Angie? No! i just can’t believe it.
This is irresponsible conjecture but I’m wondering if he isn’t the ‘ringleader’ but is at least involved? And Jolie sees the writing on the wall that a bunch of these people will eventually be exposed? The timing of the annoucement is a little suspicious.
They seemed to be supportive about it. It’s probably that he wants them to play sportsball and she wants them to do artisanal soapmaking.
My Nana always said, “You finish how you start”
But did Donald Trump predict this one?
I have a feeling this has something to do with a parenting issue that only comes up with teens (just because of the timing...anything else would have surely been noticed sooner???). Something like drinking/smoking with the kid, lack of supervision with something, etc.
My colleagues and I are discussing this like any other national crisis--our current theory? Parenting dispute = Conflict over respecting a child’s gender identity.
They sure do, but they definitely don’t cover Brad or the Coreys careers in history classes.
I disagree slightly with that; the paramount goal is the welfare of the children and the protection of their rights, not necessarily the preservation of parental rights. If the best solution for the kids is visitation, that’s the best solution. Usually you’re right- shared custody is very often the ideal solution. But…
people keep saying that, but is there an age limit on paedophilia?
I’m hoping for Juliette Lewis.
Great news for Jen! She can finally be happy again!
Poor Jennifer Anniston. Yes, I realized she is rich and beautiful and has a better life than basically everyone. But, at the same time, I’ve always felt awful for her that she cannot escape the narrative of her ex-husband. That’s gotta suck.
Aww... I was really hoping those two would make it, just to stick it to all those horrible people who said awful things about them.
The sky is dark.
Six kids in and she realizes she’s not cool with how he parents? Whatever. I was “Team Jen” and I suppose that was the long game. I hope the tabs hit us with years of “Lonely Brad” even if he has one hottie after another and takes fabulous vacations ala Jen Aniston, the woman who has figured out how to work just hard…
Weirdly, no one ever divorces for irreconcilable similarities.
Who knows if the source is accurate but it’s super suspect if it’s true that Angelina didn’t like the way Brad treated their children.
Angelina Jolie continues to be selfless and charitable by taking us away from Trump for a little bit.
If they can’t make it, what chance does my marriage have?? Oh wait, we don’t have kids so everything is actually fine.