
Why would I think CA should have more senators? That was decided many, many years ago. That’s where the house comes in, as I’m sure you know. This is my point, and honestly, I’m SO sick of saying it so please if you don’t understand or agree, just say so and let’s call it a day. There are huge left leaning populations

Yes, I’m crying over this you douche canoe. After seeing your arguments with just about everyone on this thread, not super into continuing this. So. Fuck off.

Humboldt county. Waaaaaaay north.

I spent some time in the northeast several years ago. It gave me a solid appreciation for what humidity really can be!

About 140 miles west of Redding. It’s pretty conservative inland (Res Bluff, Redding, Chico, Paradise). Head inland, though, and you’ll find a pretty mellow, open, accepting culture. Not very diverse, though, that’s one of the big down falls.

Man, he’s fighting all over this thread! Jesus.

Ok, shit for brains. The two most populous states went Blue, correct? Who won, though? The Republican. All of those dark red states, electorally, add up to more than enough to offset CA and NY. As evidenced by our last fucking election. So the very thing you are saying NY and CA done through a shitty,

No, I don’t at all think that. I also don’t think that the Midwest and rust belt should decide every time either. This is the best article I can find to show what I’m trying to say. The system now is broken, and giving all power to CA and NY isn’t at all what I’m suggesting.

Dude, don’t be an ass. Like it or not, people in CA and NY are in fact given the same right to vote as those in the Midwest/Bible Belt. You also may realize, if you use YOUR brain, that your “logic” holds true in this current system, only the converse. If a candidate wants to win, they just need to focus on a handful

Very true. I could have definitely taken the time to state that more eloquently/accurately.

Mine too.

This is my favorite comment on here. And I love “rage repression seminar given by me.” :) I’d sign up! My god you did good work there.

Humboldt will occasionally get into the low 70s, but can be pretty humid. Mostly it hovers in the mid 60s. Really mild weather here. From my experience, Mendocino gets up in the 90s/100s, but isn’t as humid. Unless you’re on the coast. Humboldt, though, very mild. And has this...

It’s gorgeous there in the fall!

I mean...if you live on the northern border of California, it’s pretty hard to go with “yes, the place 300+ miles south of us is Northern California.” That being said, I am not a passionate supporter of what arbitrary line makes true North. So...whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Go way north in CA. It’s affordable.

Humboldt County, Or Mendocino county (mendo gets toasty though).

Don’t forget truly Northern California. Not the Bay Area (that’s not NorCal, it’s more...mid-cal). It’s cheaper, it’s beautiful, you have easy access to the bigger cities for ...whatever, really. Diverse culture in some of the areas, others not so much, unfortunately.

I’m really enjoying my $650 per month apartment in California today. Though to be fair, some areas are pretty horrible as far as housing costs go.