
Hmmmmm...sounds super fun. Enjoy that I guess?

Thank you for responding with information and opinions, not name calling. Good lord.

Yes, I’m deft because I view the situation in a different manner than you do. Jesus. It’s really frustrating that people can’t be civil; it’s really not hard to do. His campaign has absolutely talked about courting superdelegates who have already topped their hands toward Clinton, who, if you’ll recall, currently

I read an article last night that alluded to this as well. Basically a concern that the DNC could theoretically use money he donates to funnel towards her. I’ll agree to that point, that concern, but nothing in his history indicates he’d be out there championing the party he just joined, and has very much so spoken

I read the statement that he puts the “brunt of the blame” on Clinton as a critique. You don’t typically blame people for things interpreted as positive.

I’m genuinely confused about what you’re talking about. I do not view him as remotely pragmatic, not even close, so am not sure where/why I would have stated such. I do think he’s an idealist, but I don’t consider that a negative thing. It’s a trait I wish I had more of. So...again, not sure what you're referring to.

I always forget that part. He absolutely knew what he was signing up for, and the rules of the system. I still think it's bullshit, but I thinks it's as much of a steaming pile that he seems to feel it should apply to him differently.

That’s the point I was trying to make earlier, but didn’t phrase it the way you did, so I think people lost what I was saying. I can’t understand how the system was so evil and in the bag for her (according to him/his supporters) but all of a sudden it’s ok for him to attempt to sway superdelegates his way, in spite

Hmmmmm. Probably fairly true for portions of it, but overall I feel like I came out of it ok. I managed to slog through grad school, so it couldn’t have been that bad. Not to say that makes me super intelligent, but if the system had totally failed me I couldn’t have done it. Would you mind explaining to me why you’re

Very good point. And, truth be told, my lack of ability to sort them out enough absolutely impacts my view of him. I know people who support Trump and Cruz. Not something I would ever do, but it’s not my choice to make for others. I personally prefer Clinton over Sanders. It gets really old having everything from my

That's exactly the point I was trying to make, but didn't word it as well as I could have.

Agreed, that is of way more concern than an actor.

I agree, they are. Another person posted a link to the Facebook page of a Washington politician (superdelegate) who is throwing his support to Clinton. They need to follow the popular vote. If that means she gets 25% of them, and he gets 75%, that's how it should go. But I stand by what I said about the change in

You might very well be right. I guess it kind of depends on how honest the campaign is with what they do with the funds. From what I’ve read, and admittedly it’s not a ton, there is a stream of funding going to other campaigns. But, her campaign controls it. I just read another article that theorized the reason the

That sucks to see. Truly, I am not a die hard Clinton fan, though I do skew a bit more toward her. There are things about her I can’t stand, just like there are things about Sander’s I can’t stand. Articles like this irritate the shit out of me, which I think is probably something I’m allowed to feel. It, to me, is

I skew a bit more toward Clinton, in all honesty, but this idea really bums me out. I think that a candidate like Sanders would have the best shot going up against someone like Trump, but we are a nations largely programmed, at this point, to think “it will never happen. Have to go with someone who will make smaller

Couldn't agree more. I have never been able to figure out why our system is set up the way it is. I do suspect it serves as a way of not giving the actual populace complete control over who ends up in office, which is bullshit.

Pretty sure I stated my exact issue. There was huge opposition to this “part of the process” until the realization dawned that he needed them. Now all of a sudden there is an incredible openness to accepting the superdelegates. Do I understand why he has changed his tune? Of course. But my understanding of the process

Inspired me to donate as well...

God this irritates me. She’s getting shit for helping candidates with less access to funds? Awesome. And I know she will benefit from this too, but come on. You said it perfectly.