
The cuteness of Travelocity's Roaming Gnome commercials has given them a special place in my heart. They're still the first of the travel biggies that comes to mind for me when I want to look for a flight.

The new Wonderbread campaign. The "hand" sandwich, dad jokes, and son talking to mom on phone ones are super nostalgic that they trick me into thinking that Wonderbread is not gross.

Not that far off.

They look like characters from the Capitol in Hunger Games.

I generally make a point of never having much of an opinion about celebrities, but I really, really dislike Scarlett Johansson. I remember reading a profile years ago in Vogue when she described this "new phrase" she'd heard (this may be verbatim, so firmly was it etched in my memory): "Idiot wind. It's what comes

Far too good a word for it. I think "batshit crazy" is just fine as a name.

The word needs to be gotten out that this is illegal and people victimized for it can and should sue their employers over it. You can't fire someone for being injured (like I essentially was after being in a car accident), and you can't fire them for taking time off to care for an ill family member. If I'd had ANY

Readers may be surprised to discover that this is not unusual or surprising behavior in pro kitchens. This time itit'ss news because celebrity, but this is happening to cooks all over, every day. This is standard behavior.

I dunno though, I feel like "Nailed It" should only be reserved for stuff like this:

Except that having a bush keeps out bacteria, and not brushing or flossing keeps it in. But you know, basic knowledge about women's bodies and personal hygiene aren't your forté, I guess.

No, it means confirmation bias. What about all the bad stuff that doesn't happen on your birthday? What about all the good stuff that does?

Generally speaking, I don't think cheating on your spouse is necessarily cause to resign your political office. At least, not in and of itself. I 100% agree that this dude is a hypocritical asshole, BUT he was elected by his, presumably, dumb as dirt constituents and now they should suffer for it. And kick him out

Oh yes, because the correct response to this sort of thing is to fire the woman you were kissing and then refuse to actually be held accountable. HERP DERP.

I'm so glad that Beyonce found feminism so we can all join in.

"It's rather hypocritical to champion body positivity, as Gaga does, and then present altered and slimmed images of oneself as reality."

We're just now discovering that Gaga is full of shit, I see.

No, you see it's all cool because he is seeking forgiveness. Forgiveness is for people like him, not the people he condemns.

How could you leave out this quote!!!! It's kind of amazing.

Well family values are really important for politicians to talk about and condemn other people about, it's not apparently so important to follow them yourself.

Hey, he's just a man who believes in traditional marriage. You know, the loving union between a guy and as many women as he can convince to work for him.

A freshman congressman and already a sex scandal.