
Huh? That show was straight up shitty to women. There was one episode where Leah’s character gained like 15 lbs and her tv husband couldn’t handle it and plotted ways for her to lose weight, even though he was fat himself. Ha ha ha go fuck yourself, Kevin James.


Sorry; I missed it!

Sorry if it’s not the tips arena, but can we talk about this?

This fighting through social media will be the death of the nation via my generation.

Okay. That’s fine. But why did you feel the need to share that with the class?

Do you makeup?

Sephora employee here! Bobbi Brown makes the BEEEST highlighters and mascaras. I’ve never worn her foundation but I hear it is the jam.

I can’t decide if you are very young or just very weird.

ELC acquired Bobbi Brown in ‘95 so it worked out fine for 21 years. I don’t think she has any plans to buy back the brand or that this is a scenario driven by strife.

Bobbi Brown is a godsend to young professional women. I’ve moved on, and can figure out what to buy on my own. But, for years I took advice from Bobbi.

Ehh, I suppose it’s her prerogative. She can do what she wants to do.

she looks like Barbie when you slightly smush her face in.

Is this a joke? It’s a shitload of plastic surgery and Kardashian-level contouring.

She looks very visibly augmented. There’s a huge surge of celebrities going with super-overdone plastic surgery (think Kylie Jenner’s wax lips-looking mouth) and super overdone makeup and it’s really weird to look at.

I’m gonna attempt to avoid body shaming by cheaply disclaiming I still think she’s beautiful, but...

Might be because she’s taken plastic surgery to lengths modern medicine never imagined. Just a guess. But she’s making huge contributions to western culture. She raps . . . something, right?

Celebs look heavily made up/weird to me, but Blac Chyna is at another level. I’m not convinced that the people who animated The Polar Express don’t digitally replace her in all of her photos.

That can’t be at all it is. As you said, a lot of people are using that highlighting trick these days, but none of them have made me wonder if I was actually looking at CGI instead of at a real person.