
This is well beyond “essential.” The essential glassware you need is a) a rocks glass, b) a martini glass, and c) a wine glass. Beyond that, you’re past the essentials. It’s okay to have both a set of coupe and a martini glasses, and a set of red, white, and champagne glasses, but again, not essential.

On the other end of the specturm, Anime girls portrayed through, um what you call these thing...

Here is my dark souls inspired one Kojima Souls!!

Kojima and the Argonauts

Skeletorima Productions

It’s still considered a body, no?

Day one buy.

Hmmmm.... The next Photoshop contest?


I really hate these videos. They try to be funny condescending, but I never think they even get close to funny. Most of the time it feels like they’re misleading in a video about misleading commercials.

take your trash talk back to Gesterman


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Really, two minutes is a record? psssshhh...

Warner brothers did it correctly with the Looney tunes DVD set.

Ironically, even if the movies are messy, the CGI used in them are some of the best in modern films and they steadily improve from the first movie. It’s not just the VFX people either. Michael Bay is someone who prefers practical effects so the first film CGI shots were not perfect. As of DOTM he managed to use it in

The movies you desire would have been cool, however it would be entirely fanboys seeing it and would have been only one movie. It’s failure would have convinced them that Transformers isn’t a lucrative property that has generated a resurgence of some great new toys and a few excellent games (and a few bad ones) and

Or perhaps they are just advertising the game? It is all the same game if you don’t care about frame rates and ultra high graphics So no harm done really unless there is some game changing features that makes each version different.

But what if they kicked you in your face?!

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Here's the proper soundtrack to that video... :)

Nope, just replace rape with a senseless, brutal death, and the joke's ok for everyone!