Yea there is no denying that. Not disagreeing. Its not a distraction if your the one doing it, but i guess it is if its being done to you because your constantly looking in your rear view window.
Yea there is no denying that. Not disagreeing. Its not a distraction if your the one doing it, but i guess it is if its being done to you because your constantly looking in your rear view window.
Tailgating isn’t really being distracted. Your actually being more attentive if you do it.
They should tell them,
Not new but when it comes to 3d in games its easier/cost efficient to mocap everything instead of hand animating it and probably faster results. Part of it is most games try to make everything look realistic, so mocap is the answer but this is a more stylistic to stand out to give their characters personality. But it…
a lot of people just read the title,maybe a sentence or 2 and head for the comments. I did too at first but it gives a good explanation so now i know what you mean.
I was hoping to see more of a evolution of his work and how its changed not just 1 drawing and then his new stuff. :(
It’s an after party, and it looks like a club/dance atmosphere. Most of those have go-go dancers. I get what they are saying about encouraging women into the industry but this is a total different thing. If it was a booth babe at GDC then i understand.
The MGS V dog part remindede me of The Thing lol
hes looking more and more like Liam Neeson to me.
Riot Released a game today
Riot Released a game today
The only real Dragon Ball dub is the Mexican one. I tried to watch the american and it was just too horrible at least just for DB
Wish i still had my amazon prime. I guess I wont get much deals :(. Me feeling like this reminded me of a video i just saw.
Wish i still had my amazon prime. I guess I wont get much deals :(. Me feeling like this reminded me of a video i…
And i bet he bought an xbox one before that.
yea i think its fast and accurate just have to get used to it.
The new way seems like you need to be somewhat accurate with the sticks. derp
Looks very fun is there any news about having it come out for ipad or mobile? Just like the first one.