Needs some simpsons the arcade game
Needs some simpsons the arcade game
This might be better. I wish there was an ending and not just endless.
NSFW also sorry
Well this isnt a movie but i think they are making it. It always cracks me up.
That's nothing I leave this here
I bet it was a double. In tv or commercials they have the tendency to use hand actors which present the products a lot better. Its weird but there are actors that just act with there hands.
Hopefully the steam page doesn't get too crowded with non game things.
This one is pretty good
I raise your batman with this.
@thesircuddles: thats the first think i noticed lol
WOw that was pretty epic
but yet there are expansions still coming out.
@Kovitlac: i guess thats not to bad thanks :)
I am most likely going to get that, but i wonder how much it is.
the storm trooper looks great
@jetRink: that was an awesome video. Nice little skit, always wondered what if pyro was a woman, kinda like metroid. Spy+ Pyro= Spyro pure awesomeness, and :"Komrade Kayce" mentioned purple which is another great thing about this video.
@Bearjewmon Saysdrugsarentcool: yes indeed lol
i think i found it
@AOClaus: I know this is random but the icon you have "!! Windurst ftw!!"