
Forgive me, but isn't the Cyrano De Bergurac thing more because he's so massively insecure he cannot, in fact, bring himself to admit to her that he loves her? That all the notes were failed attempts to admit it? In fact, had after her boyfriend died he told her, she probably would have accused him of lying.

The worst part is how it basically hero worships Deadshot - Deadshot! - thus removing all the edge and fatalism that is so central to his character and turning him into mr Generic.

Because he always has to make one major mistake in all of his reviews so we have something to talk about?

You are talking about a lot of stuff I haven't read about yet, nut I would just like to say this: Friedman had some very clever policies even if his overall conclusion wasn't as good as everybody thought it would be at the time. The negative income tax is a particular favorite of mine.

You haven't met any of the women in my family…

What I love about this speech is that it massively exaggerates yet at the same time has a really good point to make and makes it eloquently.

It's actually a pretty handy way of finding out how the biggest city of any given country sees itself.


Ahem, battleship?

Bleep bleep, No True Scotsmaaaan…

Maybe Catan was created by a capitalist to show how irritating socialism is, always nicking loads of cards - when you only had six last turn…

No one would ever give Nick Cage a secret, he'd just bellow it out in a fit of overacting.

Ahh, dumb moment. I meant Norton.

Well, yeah, but that can be said about every comic book origin.


Yeah, Ben Grimm is Jewish, but not Peter as far as I was aware.

I knew Cho and the Great Ten and Silver Samurai and that was it.

Didn't she lose all her powers to Rogue?

I have a sort of fondness for that film. I quite liked abomanation at first and Bana was fine.

But only female spiders can create webs…. (I am probably totally wrong on this)