
It's trying to begin with but it's fantastic once you get in the swing of things. The main problem is that fast travel in Morrowind requires knowledge of the Sit Striders and teleport mages (and the temples, aaaand the mark/recall).

I agree, giant walking bugs are the only truly immersive form of fast travel.

I understood everything except DDK.

We all do now. Sigh.

Just one warning; the super-cutsy art style is by no means representative of the game's plot and writing, which veers into utterly brutal territory at some points.

Never played DA2; but as for BD you can turn off random encounters, which I bet loads of people missed, so backtracking becomes much less annoying.

What's great about the Troupple king is that he's like a PG fertility god.
I could totally see ancient tribes worshiping him.

Morrowind had by far the best Fast travel system (that I've seen). You can go to any major population centre as long as you have the bus (well, bug) fees, and eventually teleport to temples through amulets. However, anytime you have to go off the beaten track, you have to trek through the landscape; explore, fall

No matter how I started out, I would always end up with the Ordinator set in Morrowind and forget to take it off and get chased around Vivec by those idiot reli-Gestapo trying to bash my skull in.

Sometimes a choice does not have to have consequences outside of what it says about you.

Anyone who voluntarily visits the Happy Mask shop is almost certainly not going to last long in Hyrule anyway.

In one recent 3DS game I was playing, I was getting along, fine, just about to rescue a hostage who would almost certainly be added to my party…

I once wiped out all three. And took the hostage hood so I could pretend to be a crazy random assassin, so I could hide my identity as a crazy Dark Brotherhood assassin.

Paarthurnax is the equivalent of a reformed war criminal; it was actually rather tricky for me.

Another reason why I never pick Stormcloaks. Imperials are corrupt, but their policies are fair, whereas Stormcloak policies are shortsighted.

The ones in the Throne Room are the worst.

There is actually a very good justification for that - Pepper is dyslexic, and reads the "No Pizza" sign as "No Pizaz".


Glad to see the cat from Trigun can still find work.

Not the word I would use for the Unsullied…